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语法填空附赠课(17) 【语法填空专练】 Wilma Rudolph was born ___34___ a very large, poor, African- They called her “the Black Pearl”, “the Black Gazelle” American family. She was the ___35___(twenty) of twenty-two and “the fastest woman in the world.” In nineteen sixty, children. She was born too early and only ___36___ (weigh) two Wilma Rudolph became the first American woman kilograms. She had many illnesses ___37___ she was very young, ___31___ (win) three gold medals in one Olympics. She including pneumonia(肺炎) and scarlet fever(腥红热). She also was ___32___ extraordinary American athlete. She also had polio (小儿麻痹症), ___38___ damaged her left leg. did a lot to help young athletes___33___(success). When she was six years old, she began to wear metal leg braces because she could not use ___39___ leg. With her family’s attention and care, ___40___(lucky), by the time she was nine years old, she no longer needed her leg braces. 1


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