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.. 一、关于求助信的写作 1、开头——表达写信目的 ⑴ I am writing to you for some help. ⑵ I am writing a letter to you to get some help about ⑶ I wonder if you could do sth for me 2 、中间——遇到困难 ⑴ I have met difficulty in dong sth/with sth 3 、最后——交待联系方式 You may email or phone me. Here are my email address and phone number: 二、关于申请信、求职信的写作 1、开头——表达对这个工作、项目感兴趣 I have learned from the newspaper/Internet that your company wanted a (teacher), and I am interested in it. 2 、中间——介绍自己的优势 ⑴ For the last 7 years, I have been learning English. I have been in the company, where I work as a teacher. ⑵ I am sure that I have all the right qualifications for the job . 3 、结尾——若被聘用的喜悦之情 ⑴ I do hope I will be accepted as a member of your company. ⑵ I would be glad to have a personal interview , and can provide references if needed. 三、关于邀请信的写作 1、开头——邀请别人 I am writing to you to invite you to be a major/my party. If you did , I would be glad. 2 、结尾——再次表达希望之情 I hope that you will accept my invitation if it is convenient for you. 四、关于看图说话的写作 1、开头——表述图示 ⑴As is apparently shown in the picture /cartoon /chart above, ⑵ The picture tells us about a abj story/principle that 从句 . 2 、最后——发表观点 As far as I am concerned, sth is/should be 五、关于议论文的写作 1、开头——提出问题 ⑴As for the (health life), different people have different opinions. ⑵ People ’s view on it vary from person to person. 2 、中间——不同观点 ⑴ 70% of the people who were surveyed are satisfied with the first opinion. ⑵ There are some people thinking that 从句 . ;. .. 3 、结尾——表达自己观点 As far as I am concerned ,I am in favor of the first opinion. 六、关于建议新的写作 1、开头——表明乐意效劳 ⑴ I am glad to know that (you are going to enter college),and it is my great pleasure to give you some suggestions of (choosing your major).



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