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  他曾是一个顽劣的孩子。用文具盒夹前排女生的头发,在老师粉笔盒里放青蛙,让课桌抽屉里的雏鸟叫声响彻整个教室。  父亲吊起他的双手,用粗粗的皮带抽打他。重重的体罚只会加重他的叛逆。最后一次,他打碎了教室全部的玻璃。  父亲掏钱赔了学校的玻璃,然后带他回家。走在父亲的身后,他做好了种种应对的心理准备。他想,爸爸这次一定不会轻饶他。  回到家,出乎他意料,这一次父亲没打他,只是叫他坐下,和颜悦色,这让他猝不及防。他有些惶恐,也有些不明就里。父亲语重心长地说话了:你说这杯子里的水像什么呢?他感到非常意外,想了想,说:像杯子。父亲点点头说:对!你再看看脸盆里的水像什么呢?他说:像脸盆呀!再看看水缸里。他迷茫了,像水缸啊!他抓耳挠腮弄不明白,到底水像什么呢?  跟着父亲,他走到了离家不远处的一小块烂泥塘边。烂泥塘水面上漂浮着各种垃圾,散发出恶臭。父亲指着塘里的水说:这里也是水,你愿意做这里的水吗?人有不同的状态,进入了不同的状态,就如同水倒进了杯子、脸盆、水缸和烂泥塘一样。  那个冬日,这孩子的心里第一次产生了自责。父亲亲切地抚摸着他的头,指着远方对他说:我知道我的儿子很聪明,我希望他将来能流;Lesson 3 Natural Disasters;Objectives ■ To practise reading strategies to complete texts with sentences gaps. ■ To practise using the vocabulary of natural disasters. ■ To practise identifying nouns and verbs. ■ To talk about disasters and aid.;Part I;In June, 2008, Australia’s Anna Creek station sold half of its 16,000 head of cattle for slaughter (屠宰) and was moving the rest to other grazing lands (牧场) in the face of the country’s worst drought in a century. ;earthquake;May 12, 2008. About 70,000 people were killed and about 18,000 people were reported missing after a 8.0-magnitude earthquake struck Sichuan, China. ;flood;In June, 1938, Nationalist Chinese soldiers blew up dikes (堤) around the Yellow River to stop Japanese troops from advancing. More than half a million people died in the resulting flood.;forest fire;The 1997 forest fires in Indonesia that lasted well into 1998 was probably among the two or three, if not the largest forest fire in the last two centuries of recorded history. The forest fires burning in Indonesia began to affect neighbouring countries, spreading thick clouds of smoke and haze (烟雾). By the time the 1997-98 forest fires were finally over, some 8 million hectares (公顷) of land had burned while countless millions of people suffered from air pollution.;hurricane;Oct. 26-Nov. 4, 1998. Hurricane Mitch was the deadliest hurricane to hit the Americas. It killed 11,000 in Honduras;landslide;On 6 December 2008, 4 people were killed, 15 people injured i


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