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presentation;Top Ten?Network Buzzwords ?in?2014;Network buzzwords are referred to the popular words used in our daily conversation, especially on the internet . ;No. 1 Buzzwords in 2014;1. Rich and Bitch ;No. 2 Buzzwords in 2014;可以追朔到金庸《笑傲江湖》里的令狐大侠。爱开玩笑的令狐冲曾这样讽刺别人的谄媚:“我一看到那些人的谄媚样,可就浑身难受,摇摇晃晃几欲醉倒。”之后一群DOTA玩家们对此词情有独钟,不管对方的技术很渣,还是技术很牛,小伙伴们都喜欢说:“呵呵,这货的技术,我也是看醉了”、“哇,这大神的技术,我也是醉了”。 ;3. It is to be cherished  On March 31, 2014, Ma Yili responded to Wen Zhang’s cheating on Sina Weibo. It reads as follows: Being in love is easy, being married is not. It is to be cherished. Soon many Internet users began to make sentences with this pattern. For example, “Eating is easy, losing weight is not. It is to be cherished.” ;3. It is to be cherished;4. No zuo, no die. ;No. 5 Buzzwords in 2014;;6. So the question is…… So the question is… is derived from the advertising of Lanxiang Vocational school. In October, Zhang Le, a member of NetEase comment zone, deliberately commented with a long story in a news thread. At the end of the story there would be a sentence: So the question is: which is the strongest in Excavator Technology? Then after the screenshots of the thread was posted to the microblogging and friends circle, it has been widely reproduced, which make the ad of Lanxiang popular again. ;6. So the question is……;7.I just want to be a quiet and handsome man. This phrase comes from the mini-drama never expected. The director who plays the monk has a catchphrase—I still want to be a quiet and handsome man.” This phrase is often used by ugly and thick boys for self-ridicule. ;7.I just want to be a quiet and handsome man.;8. It’s so beautiful that I’m too scared to open my eyes. This is another joke in which unsightly things are intended to be good-looking. The buzzword comes from a sentence of Jolin’s song Prague Square, which was extended to describe weird things. For example, when you see a very shocking picture, you can use this sentence to express the visual or psyc


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