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七年级下学期必背句子( Units1-6) Unit 1 1. —Where are you from? — I ’m from Jingzhou. —你来自哪里?—我来自荆州 2. —Where is Sydney? — It ’s in Australia. —悉尼在哪里? —它在澳大利亚。 3. Where is your pen pal from?/Where does your pen pal come from? 你的笔友来在哪里 ? 4 —Where does he live? — He lives in Paris. —他住在哪里。 —他住在巴黎 5 —What language does he speak? — He speaks English. —他讲什么语言。—他讲英语。 6. I like going to the movies and playing sports. 我喜欢看电影和做运动。 7. Please write and tell me about yourself. 请写信告诉关于你自己的情况。 8. I want a pen pal in China. 我想要一个在中国的笔友。 9. I can speak English and a little French. 我会讲英语和一点法语。 10. Can you write to me soon? 你能尽快(不久)给我写信吗? Unit 2 1. — Is there a bank near here/in the neighborhood? —这附近有一家银行吗? —Yes, there is /No, there isn ’—是的,有t. / 不,没有。 2. The pay phone is across from the bank. 电话亭在银行的对面。 3. The pay phone is next to the bank. 电话亭在银行的旁边。 4. The pay phone is between the restaurant and the post office. 电话亭在餐馆和邮局之间 5 —Who sits in front of you? — Tom does —谁坐在你的前面? — Tom 6. —Who sits behind you? — Jim does. —谁坐在你的后面? —Jim 7. There are some books on the desk. 有一些书在桌子上 8. There aren ’t any books on the desk. 没有一些书在桌子上。 9. Bridge Street is a good place to have fun. 大桥街是一个好玩的地方 10. I enjoy listening to music 我喜欢听音乐。 11. Go down this street and turn left at New Park. 沿着这条街往前走,在新公园处向左拐。 12. You can see it on your right. 你能看见它在你的右边。 13.This is the beginning of the garden tour. 这是花园之旅的开始 . 14. Let me tell you the way to my house. 让我告诉你去我家的路。 15. I know you are arriving next Sunday. 我知道你将于下周日到达。 16. I hope you have a good trip. 我希望你度过一次愉快的旅行 17. Please be quiet. 请安静 18. It ’s a small house with a garden. 它是一座带有一个花园的小房子。 19. Welcome to China. 欢迎来到中国 20. My father often takes a walk after dinner. 我父亲经常在晚餐之后散步。 21. It ’s down Bridge Street on the right. 它沿着大桥街位于右边。 22. Take a


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