2021春人教版九年级英语下册 Unit 12 习题 课时3 Section A (Grammar Focus-4c).pptxVIP

2021春人教版九年级英语下册 Unit 12 习题 课时3 Section A (Grammar Focus-4c).pptx

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课时3 Section A (Grammar Focus-4c);1;;一、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。 1. Please put some _________ (奶油) on the bread. 2. We need four bananas to make banana _________(果馅饼). 3. Cocoa _________(豆) are used to make some kinds of drink. 4. Would you like to go to the _________(集市) to buy some food with me? 5. My father doesn’t allow me to play computer games on _________(工作日).;二、单项选择。 6. —The apple pies here taste more delicious than those from _______. —Yes. But it will be better if they are cheaper. A. anywhere else B. somewhere else C. other anywhere D. other somewhere;7. Don’t forget _______thanks when other people help you. A. accepting B. to accept C. saying D. to say;8. By the end of last week, she ______ in the west of China for two months helping the homeless children. A. will stay B. has stayed C. would stay D. had stayed;9. [中考·河南]Don’t know where your kids are in the house? Turn off the Internet and they’ll ______ quickly. A. get up B. stand up C. show up D. hurry up;10. —Have you ever _____ the amusement park like Disneyland in other parts of the world? —No, I haven’t. A. heard about B. heard from C. heard D. heard out;三、根据汉语意思及所给提示完成句子。 11. 在我们做出最后的决定前,他已经弄清了我们所需的 所有信息。(find) Before we made a final decision, he ______________ all the information we needed.;12. 房子着火时,他们已经冲了出去。(rush) By the time the house began to burn, they ______________.;13. 我来教室之前就已经看完了这本书。(finish) I ____________________ the book before I came to the classroom.;14. 到家后,她才意识到她把手机落在出租车里了。(leave) After she arrived home, she realized that she ____________ her mobile phone in the taxi.;15. 玛丽起床时,蒂姆已进入了浴室。(go) By the time Mary got up, Tim ________________ the bathroom.;四、用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。 Reading is important in my daily life. Before I was three, I ___________16 (start) to learn to read. By the time I went to primary school, I _________ 17 (read) over one hundred books. Now I’m a middle school student. I ____________ 18 (enjoy) Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain these days. I think reading is more t


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