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网络出版时间:2013-03-01 15:10 网络出版地址:/kcms/detail/36.1289.TF1510.024.html 基于智能视频监控的安防系统设计 陈为民, 胡向臻 (江西省赣州市华能瑞金电厂,江西 赣州 341108 ) 摘 要:针对当前流行的视频监控系统不能智能识别监视目标、不能智能处理突发 状况等问题,提出了一种基于智能视频监控的安防系统设计方案. 该系统主要由监 控端、管理端和服务端三部分组成,利用网络摄像机、红外探测、电子围栏等设备 对安防区域实施联合监控;借助数字图像分析技术,实时检测监控场景下的运动目 标,并对其定位、识别、行为理解,智能地管控安防区域. 文中重点阐述了智能视 频监控系统的架构设计及视频智能分析的实现. 关键词:智能视频监控;监控系统;体系结构;视频分析 中图分类号:TP391 文献标志码:A A Security System Design Based on Intelligent Video Surveillance CHEN Wei-min, HU Xiang-zhen (Huaneng Ruijin Power Generation Co, Ltd, Ganzhou 341108, China) Abstract: A security system design based on intelligent video surveillance is presented against the shortcomings of prevalent video surveillance. This system mainly consists of three parts: monitor terminal, management and server. It works by monitoring the implementation of the security area through the use of network camera, infrared detection, electronic fences and other equipment. With the help of digital image analyzing technique, this system can do real-time detection of moving target, and locate, analyze, comprehend and control the target area. This paper focuses on the design of intelligent video surveillance system and the realization of intelligent video analysis. Key words: intelligent video surveillance; surveillance video; architecture; video analysis 0 引 言 随着我国社会经济的不断进步,公众对安全防范的意识也在逐步提升,视频监控系统越 [1]


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