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基于网络触发的IP 流移动性机制 王青,李文璟** (北京邮电大学,网络与交换技术国家重点实验室) 5 摘要:随着无线移动通信技术的迅猛发展,异构无线网络之间的融合将成为未来移动通信发 展的必然趋势。目前3GPP 标准化组织在EPS 中提出了多接入PDN 连通性及IP 流移动性的 方案,使多模终端同时使用多种不同的无线接入网络路由不同的IP 流成为可能。本文从网 络触发流移动性的角度,设计了一种基于网络的IP 流移动性触发机制,并结合网络性能以 10 及IP 流的QoS 需求,提出了一种基于IP 流的移动性选择算法。并且通过仿真结果验证了 IP 流移动性机制在实现网络负载均衡的同时,能够获得更好的用户满意度。 关键词:异构网络融合;IP 流移动性;触发机制;负载均衡 中图分类号:TN914 15 Network-based IP Flow Mobility Trigger Mechanism WANG Qing, LI Wenjing (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, State Key Laboratory of Networking and Switching Technology) Abstract: With the Multi Access Packet Data Network Connectivity and IP flow mobility 20 introduced by 3GPP, mobile devices with multiple wireless interfaces can connect to multiple access networks simultaneously, meanwhile allowing dynamic allocation of different IP flows to different access systems corresponding to their requirements. In order to enable IP flow mobility, an effective IP flow mobility trigger mechanism is indispensible. However, among the existing technical standard and current literatures in IP flow mobility, almost no research involves the 25 trigger mechanism and decision algorithm. This paper proposes a mechanism for network-based IP flow mobility, which includes a trigger process and a network selection decision algorithm based on each IP flow. Simulation results validate the flexibility and efficiency of our proposed mechanism, which can achieve a better network load balancing as well as a higher user satisfaction. 30 Key words: IP flow mobility; trigger mechanism; load balancing 0 引


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