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要点1 只接不定式作宾语的动词 Afford , agree, ask, attempt, beg, choose, decide, demand, determine, expect, fail, happen,hope, long, wish, manage, offer, pretend, prepare, promise refuse, struggle, want等。 语法填空: I am out of work so I cannot afford _________(live) in this big flat. He failed ________ (pass) the test, but he refused ________ (give up). The man often pretends_______ (be) a rich man. 要点2 与doing 有区别 doing: 已经发生 Remember / forget; stop / go on; regret to do: 没有发生 语法填空: I remember _______ (call) you a week ago, but I forgot _________ (tell) you the news then. After work, he didn’t stop ________ (have) a rest, and went on ________ (have) an evening class. Doing: 尝试着做……; doing: 意味着……; try mean to do: 尽力做……; to do: 打算做……; 语法填空: Going to college doesn’t mean ________ (find) a good job after graduation, so I mean ________(learn) some practical skills in my spare time. Doing: 忍不住……; doing: 习惯…… can’t help be used to to do: 不能帮助做……; do: 被用来做…… 语法填空: When the man couldn’t help _______ (save) the drowning child, he couldn’t help ______ (cry). The young man is used to _______ (rise) late, so he can’t be used to _______ (lead) the team. To do : 需要/ 想 / 请求做……; need / want / require doing (to be done): 需要 / 想 / 请求被……; 语法填空: I want ______ (ask) for a leave this afternoon because my hair needs _______ (cut). 要点3 可用形式宾语it来代替 不定式在make / think / feel / consider / find 等动词后作宾语并且其后有名词或形容词作补语时,常用it作形式宾语。 例:I think it impossible to finish all the work in a day. 我认为一天内完成这些工作是不可能的。 She made it her dream to be addmitted to a key university. 她把考上一所重点大学作为自己的梦想。 考题链接: I remembered ______ the door before I left the office, but forgot to turn off the lights. locking B. to lock C. having locked D. to have locked I still rememb


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