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阅读填空、阅读简答专练 A To cultivate(培养)one s taste in English prose(散文),the most effective way is to read English books extensively.Yet one may be at a loss to choose the appropriate books , especially as a beg inn er.I would like to share some of my experie nee. My first English novel was Jane Austen s Pride and Prejudice , recommended by many En glish teachers and professors as an ideal book for En glish lear ners.But I had great difficulty in understanding the novel, let alone enjoying it.It s not the vocabulary that troubled me , but rather the way Austen constructs sentences, and her way of thinking , which seemed too remote to me at that time.My fading enthusiasm was much recovered after reading Hemingway s novel Fare well to Arms .I particularly liked his con cise(简明)and lively style.So my first suggesti on is, as a begi nner, you d better choose con temporary no vels in stead of classical on es.You can easily en gage yourself in readi ng , get fun out of it , and gradually build up con fide nee , I do not mean to exclude(排斥)classical novels forever.Actually , the second reading of Pride and Prejudice greatly pleased me (probably the result of my improved English comprehension) . It is only that classical novels are less accessible to beginners due to their Ianguage styles and social backgro und. However, reading novels is not the only way to improve your English.English essays can at once inform you , en terta in you.The best example is Bertra nd Russell s work .Its Ian guage is plain , yet you cannot help feeling the eleganee and the unique sense of humor.His simple Ianguage enables his philosophy(哲理)within the reach of ordinary people.Here comes my second suggesti on— essays are n ecessary. My last advice is n ever to follow other s opinions bli ndly , however famous or in flue ntial the person might be.As a saying goes , one man s meat is another man s poison.With that in mind , we are sure to find our favorite writers through reading and develop our fine ta


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