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A Brave Maid ?? A wooden vase from the Ming Dynasty at the entrance of the?reception hall?amazed?everyone. The artists designed it in a?rare?style and?selected1.________(value) jewels to?decorate?it. People thought highly of 2.________(it)?fancy?colour of?honey?and the beautiful paintings on it. ?? The vase used to belong to a?former?castle. But3.________ the country was at war,the enemy troops?exploded?the castle. ?Debates?on how the vase 4.________(survive) went on and on. In order to remove people’s doubt,5.______________team of no less than 20 people carried out an 6.___________(form)?investigation. The?evidences?they found showed that a maid took the vase 7.________(part) and asked a sailor to sink it in a local well. She never gave 8.____________ the secret even under the cruel trial?of the enemies who were 9._____________ search of?treasures. ? It is worth 10._____________(give) this brave maid a?fortune?in return. A Fair Competition ?? Swifter,Higher and Stronger stands for the?spirit?of the Olympics. But 1.______(fair) is the?basis?of this?motto. Only when you win?fairly2.____________ you and your homeland?deserve?the great?glory. But nowadays,3.________(like) the?ancient?honest slave?competitors,some hopeless?athletes?4._____________ can’t bear the pain of training cheat when taking part in games.?Medals?seem to have?magical?power causing them to cheat,and the prize money 5._____________(replace) the motto as their only goal. So,in the?gymnastics?event 6.________(hold) in our city next month,one of the host’s?responsibilities?is to keep competitions fair. They advertised?7.________?posters?outside the?stadium?to promise that every 8._____________(compete) is to have a?regular?physical?examination in a gymnasium?one after 9.________.No one can?bargain?on this. The volunteers in?charge?will be very strict. It is foolish to cheat10._________they will not be?admitted?to compete and will even be?fined?as well. Computers The goal of early?calculating?machines wa


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