MySQL 数据库系统设计实现与管理第六版课后习题答案Part 2 Review Questions and Exercises.doc

MySQL 数据库系统设计实现与管理第六版课后习题答案Part 2 Review Questions and Exercises.doc

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Word可编辑 PAGE PAGE 19 Word可编辑 SOLUTIONS TO REVIEW QUESTIONS AND EXERCISES FOR PART 2 – THE RELATIONAL MODEL AND LANGUAGES (CHAPTERS 4 – 9) Solutions to Review Questions and Exercises TOC \o 1-3 \h \z Chapter 4 The Relational Model 3 Chapter 5 Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus 6 Chapter 6 SQL: Data Manipulation 22 Chapter 7 SQL: Data Definition 32 Chapter 8 Advanced SQL 42 Chapter 9 Object-Relational DBMSs 52 Chapter 4 The Relational Model Review Questions 4.1 Discuss each of the following concepts in the context of the relational data model: (a) Relation A table with columns and rows. (b) Attribute A named column of a relation. (c) Domain The set of allowable values for one or more attributes. (d) Tuple A row of a relation. (e) Intension The structure of a relation together with a specification of the domains and any other restrictions on possible values. Extension An instance of the tuples of a relation. (f) Degree The number of attributes in a relation. Cardinality The number of tuples in a relation. Each term defined in Section 4.2.1. 4.2 Describe the relationship between mathematical relations and relations in the relational data model? Let D1, D2, . . . , Dn be n sets. Their Cartesian product is defined as: D1 ? D2 ? . . . ? Dn ? {(d1, d2, . . . , dn) | d1 ??D1, d2 ??D2, . . . , dn ??Dn} Any set of n-tuples from this Cartesian product is a relation on the n sets. Now let A1, A2, . . ., An be attributes with domains D1, D2, . . . , Dn. Then the set {A1:D1, A2:D2, . . . , An:Dn} is a relation schema. A relation R defined by a relation schema S is a set of mappings from the attribute names to their corresponding domains. Thus, relation R is a set of n-tuples: (A1:d1, A2:d2, . . . , An:dn) such that d1 ??D1, d2 ??D2, . . . , dn ??Dn Each element in the n-tuple consists of an attribute and a value for that attribute. Discussed fully in Sections 4.2.2 and 4.2.3. 4.3 Describe the differences between a rel



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