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哈佛大学幸福课第七课中英文讲义 我们今天的课 OK,so,what were gonna do today 要把自我实现预言的信念讲完 is finish up with the beliefs of self-fulfilling prophecy lecture 并开始讲下一课 关于专注 and move on to the lecture on focus 和专注如何创造现实 and how focus creates reality. 我们上一课讲到哪里? Where did we end last time? 我们讲到Rena和其他的一些事 We ended by talking about Rena and other things. 我们讲到模型 Dan Gilbert的模型 We talked about the model,the Dan Gilbert model, Philip Brickman模型 the Philip Brickman model, 成功或失败过后 会有大起大落 where after a failure or a success there is a spike up, 但我们会恢复过来 spike down,but then we recover. 我们一生基本沿基准的幸福发展 And we basically move along a base level of well being 其中有起伏和变迁 through out our lives,with the ups and downs,the vicissitudes. 所以问题是 The question then became, 或说有好消息也有坏消息 or rather there was good news and bad news. 好消息是 我们不必太过担心 The good news was,we dont really need to worry that much, 我们能冒更多风险 也更容易回到基准线上 we can take more risks,we can put ourselves on the line more. 失败往往 虽然不是所有的失败 Failure usually,not all failures, 往往只是使幸福水平暂时的下降 but usually is just a temporary decline in our wellbeing level, 还有自尊水平 然后会迅速回升 self esteem level,and then every quickly we jump up again. 所以这是好消息 So thats the good news. 坏消息是 如果我们总是回到原来的水平 The bad news is: if were just around the same base level, 那我们为什么要努力寻求幸福呢? you know,why should we put any effort into our wellbeing? 而答案 And the answer to that, 这整个课程本质上就是对它进行回答 and the whole course essentially is an answer to that. 我们如何提升基准水平? How can we raise that base level? 一个方法是去面对 把自己置于风险之上 One of the things is coping,putting ourselves on the line. 我们这么做的原因 And the reason why coping, 是因为这样能产生积极的影响 why putting ourselves on the line yields positive 结果 幸福基准会上升 results in terms of the base level of wellbeing going up, 意思是仍然有起有落 meaning still the ups and downs, 但起伏是像这样斜线上升的 but ups and downs looking this way 而不是在一条直线上或者 as opposed to around a straight line 平行线上徘徊 我们去面对时能想象我们的行动 or a parallel line is that when we cope,we see ourselves coping, 想象自己在努力 通过自我知觉理论 we see ourselves trying and through se


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