人教版八年级上册Unit3_SectionA(1a-2d)名师课件 (共28张PPT).pptx

人教版八年级上册Unit3_SectionA(1a-2d)名师课件 (共28张PPT).pptx

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Unit3 I am more outgoing than my sister.;1.能掌握以下单词:outgoing, better, loudly, quietly, hard-working, competition等。 2.能掌握以下句型: Sam has longer hair than Tom. Both Sam and Tom can play the drums, but Sam plays them better than Tom. 3.掌握形容词及副词的比较级的规则和不规则表达形式。 4.能用形容词、副词的比较级描述人。;Liu Xiang is tall. Pan Changjiang is short. ;Lin Xinru is thin.;Li Yong is more outgoing than Cheng long.;A: Is that Zhou Xingchi? B: No, it isn’t. It’s Yao Ming. He is taller than Zhou Xingchi.;The women are fat. ;; tall loudly thin short hair long hair heavy quietly short;1b Listen and number the pairs of twins in the picture [1-3].;Read the tape script;A: That’s Tara, isn’t it? B: No, it isn’t. It’s Tina. Tina is taller than Tara. And she also sings more loudly than Tara. ;A: Is that Paul? B: No, that’s Peter. Peter’s heavier than Paul. And Paul’s shorter than Peter.;1c Practice the conversation in the picture above. Then make conversations about the other twins.;funny (run) fast friendly (jump) high outgoing (work) hard hard-working (get up)early smart lazy;2b Listen again. How are Tina and Tara different? Fill in the boxes.;Ask and answer;2c Student A, look at the chart on the right. Student B, look at the chart on page 81. Ask and answer questions.;Read the conversation and match the people with the right things.;A:Hello,did you like the singing competition? B:1. ________  ? A:2. ________  ? B:Yes,she did well. But Mary did better than her. A:3. ________    ? B:Because I think Mary sang more loudly and clearly. A:Yes. But Lucy dances better than Mary. She practices every day. And she won the last dancing competition last week. 4. ________   ? B:That girl in the red dress and with long hair. A:I see. 5. ________   ? B:Yes, she is. And she is my classmate.;A. Why do you think so? B. Did Lucy do well? C. Which is



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