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Lesson 29 Funny or not? 是否可笑? New words and expressions 生词和短语 largely adv. 在很大程度上 comic adj. 喜剧的,可笑的 universal adj. 普通的 comedian n. 滑稽演员,喜剧演员 distasteful adj. 讨厌的 pester v. 一再要求,纠缠 dread v. 惧怕 recovery n. 康复 plaster n. 熟石膏 console v. 安慰,慰问 hobble v. 瘸着腿走 compensate v. 补偿 mumble v. 喃喃而语 L29_01_ 单词讲解 ★ universal adj. 普遍的 eg :Love , a topic of universal interest. 爱情事人们普遍感兴趣的话题。 a universal truth 放之四海皆成的真理 eg :It is a universal truth that you think of nothing else if you don ’t things if you do. 这是个普遍真理:没钱的时候你想的只有它,而一但有了钱,你就会想其它。 universal suffrage 普选权 be of universal significance 广泛的意义 universally adv. It is universally true that … ★ distasteful adj. 讨厌的、让人倒胃口的、难吃的 a distasteful story eg :It is distasteful to me to say so. 我很不愿意这么说。 a distasteful task / medicine 难完成的任务 / 难吃的药 ★ recovery n. 康复 eg :Make a quick recovery from the influenza. 感冒之后很快就好了。 1 economic recovery / resurgence 经济复苏 / 复兴 recover program :a course of treatment for people who are addicted to drugs or alcohol 康复疗程(针对吸毒成瘾或酗酒的人) ★ console v. 安慰,慰问 to make someone feel better when they are feeing sad or disappointed console sb with sth 用…来安慰某人 eg :The doctor consoled the little boy with the promise he would go back home to celebrate Christmas Day. 医生安慰小男孩并许诺他可以回家过圣诞节。 console oneself with …聊以自慰,以 … 自我安慰 eg :No matter how hard I tried to repair my computer, it refused to work. But I still consoled myself with the thought that even thee specialized may not put it right. condole v. 吊唁 eg :Peter wrote to condole with his friend on his mother ’s death. Peter 写信给他的朋友对他母亲的过世表示慰问。 solace v. (文雅的表达方式) eg :He solaced himself with a b


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