民间借贷中的刑民交叉问题研究 ——程序性困境的破解方法.pdf

民间借贷中的刑民交叉问题研究 ——程序性困境的破解方法.pdf

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摘 要 民间借贷活动作为常规金融行业的有效补益方式,一直存在并活跃 于我国民间资本市场,以其高效快捷的特点为我国的经济建设提供了不 小的助益。但是由于相关监管措施的缺乏,民间借贷纠纷极易产生刑民 交叉类的案件。刑民交叉案件涉及刑事、民事两大部门法的管辖竞合, 借贷纠纷与刑事犯罪在法律事实上交杂不清,处理程序性选择没有明确 标准,是困扰我国司法实践的一大难题。刑民交叉案件在司法实践中所 存在的程序性困境,是由于司法制度的不完善所造成的,在处理该类案 件时,要坚持保障当事人权利优先的原则,兼顾公平与效率,完善司法 体制,赋予当事人一定的程序选择权,明确各部门的管辖权限与责任, 完善刑事处理与民事处理之间的移送衔接,最大程度上保护当事人权益, 解决社会矛盾。 本文从司法实践中的典型案例入手,对照相关资料,运用大数据分 析作为手段,梳理民间借贷活动中产生刑事案件的成因,对于民间借贷 活动中涉及刑民交叉的案件在处理模式选择以及司法实践中可能遇到的 问题进行论述。旨在说明对于先刑后民,先民后刑,刑民并行三种处理 模式需根据不同案件的类型具体分析适用,针对此类案件从立案、审理、 审理后既判力的认定三方面提出了自己的见解,对实践中处理民间借贷 纠纷涉及刑民交叉案件的处理机制与具体措施进行了阐述。 关键词:民间借贷;刑民交叉;类型化处理模式;处理机制 Abstract As an effective way to supplement the conventional financial industry, private lending has been active in the private capital market in China. The efficiency and rapidity of private lending has provided considerable benefits for the economic construction. However, due to the lack of relevant regulatory measures, private lending disputes are prone to produce criminal-civilian cross cases. This kind of case involves the concurrence of criminal and civil law.Loan dispute and criminal offense aremixedup in the legal facts and there is no clear standard to deal with procedural choice, which is a major problem in judicial practice. The procedural dilemma in judicial practice of such cross cases is caused by the imperfect judicial system. When dealing with such cases, we must adhere to the principle of protecting the rights of the parties, give due consideration to fairness and efficiency, improve and perfect the judicial system, give the parties certain procedure option, clarify thejurisdictional authority and responsibility of all departments and improve the connection between criminal and civil cases. Only in theseways can weprotect therightsandinterestsofthepartiestothe greatest extent and solvethe socialcontradictions. Starting with typical cases in judicial practice,



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