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PAGE PAGE # 英语写作手册(中文版) 课后习题答案 第一章 裸堂练习1 L Where I Lived, What I Lived For 2. Are Transgenic Cwpx S^fe? 生 Well-Known Dramatists of the Ming Dynasty 4t A Day to Remember Approaches to Teaching Enftlish as b Foreign Language Critkismw on the of Mark IVain^s A^vemures of Huckleberry Finn 澤犠练习2 a-live seMing shler-in-ljiw handy cor-rwt-ftess grat-ito(fe bonus per-mis-siofi $o-cia-ble thought dic-ta-tor-ship far-reachjng 课建练习3 Wc entered (he room. Jane looked around and asked. Where is ihe cat? She must have run.away/ I answered. uSh(; doesn.*! stay al home.1* **We m”t go aad find Jwr,11 Jane satd Lefs g0, At this moment the cat walked out ftom under the chau. 第二章 课蛀练耳I 这一段很明显雄出自一本关干语言科学的书.谏书的主嬰目的是让读者了 解话言蹇人类特有的行为. 2+这本书主要是面向普通大众*因为文中几乎没有专业术语? 3文中没有使用俚语.不过有一些疋式Mifrt ic Gtmnimicate和rudimmiary? 4谏圧的用词与内容相符,是普通说明性文字风恪。 课堂练习2 shocked jft为菲常惊讶=呼吨抬“发狂的,狂冢的二U)ulash **寫£ 打,猛砍J tomockffi “嘲冥’ tfl笑.嘲弄S to amiw ffi Mffi……大为惊 奇,使一谅愕*\ 比如用surprised来替? shocked,惊讶的程度就会大大械弱。 1*韋练刀3 k unintcreated: disiaterested 意思屋St有私心的— 2* childish:用 childlike 是费美? 3+ enviaus: jeaknis含有不开心的盘思? 4, inexpensive: cheap 有不好的涵义《 3- homely: ugly 程度jk强烈. 舐血氐如果用refiiw会显得太过生硬. 7. MirpriZ: tunned程度太强鷄 汕凶因为fikiaiy含有令人不快妁牆KL 乳atout:意思足稍胖,比校壮实. 9- modest: lunnWe SJE 义的* 10- every: each强圖个人* each:因为这里强调的址节人. IL attempted:穿48边境很雄. 11 sympathy:pity有尿居高临贰 有优越感.的意恿. 13. a^tonous:它是贬义的. 】4册cHylady:这种表达比较礼貌. 踝堂線” 4 walk: run. stroll, winder, pace, gw4gger, creept sneaker look at gazer peep, negard, glance, catch fiigjii ol\ glimp!;^,勉肿e ciy: sobT weep,硝璃认 sbed t耳ar爲 moan, whimper angry: irriurting, 1ieryh hurling, distressing, biting tree: Lime, elm, willow, fir, inaplc, locust, mulherry, olive animal: tiger, Hotx cal, dog* pigt borsc flower: rose, -narcissus acnciaj chrysanlhcniuin, j^ntine win± breeze, gust, draft, Gy done, whirlwind raio: shuweE dew, aprictkle, drix^k, raindrop^downpour 噪蹩练习5 CMitinue: go on enttune: put up with i uvestigate: ] 00k into expect: look to destroy; pull down build: put up start; set



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