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1 Chapter 14 Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy 2 Marketing Communication Mix or Promotion Mix Products Design Products Price Products Package Stores that Sell the Product 3 The Changing Communications Environment Two Factors are Changing the Face of Todays Marketing Communications: Improvements in Information Technology Has Led to Segmented Marketing More Narrowcasting Marketers Have Shifted Away From Mass Marketing Less Broadcasting M a r k e t F r a g m e n t a t i o n L e d t o M e d i a F r a g m e n t a t i o n 4 The Need for Integrated Marketing Communications With Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC), the Company Carefully Integrates and Coordinates Its Many Communications Channels to Deliver a Clear , Consistent, and Compelling Message About the Organization and Its Product or Service. 5 Integrated Marketing Communications (Fig. 14.1) Personal selling Public relations Direct marketing Sales promotion Advertising 6 Preselling Selling Post- Consumption Consuming Marketers View Communications as the Management of the Customer Relationship Over Time Through the Following Stages: A View of the Communications Process 7 Elements in the Communication Process (Fig. 14.2) 8 Sellers Need to Know What Audiences They Wish to Reach and Response Desired. Sellers Must be Good at Encoding Messages That Target Audience Can Decode. Key Factors in Good Communication Sellers Must Send Messages Through Media that Reach Target Audiences Sellers Must Develop Feedback Channels to Assess Audiences Response to Messages. 9 Step 1. Identifying the Target Audience Step 2. Determining the Communication Objectives Buyer Readiness Stages Purchase Conviction Preference Liking Knowledge Awareness Steps in Developing Effective Communication This ad for the Toyota Celica may be able to cover the first three stages of the buyer- readiness stages: awareness, knowledge, and liking. There is n o mention of competito rs, so it does no


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