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. 1. 家长的作用 家长影响小孩的一个例子是许多家长没有树立起一个积极的榜样。 往往,家长有自己的行为 问题, 比如在小孩面前使用暴力。 因为小孩有模仿别人的天性, 他们的暴力或者非法行为是 家长的翻版。 这就是为什么有好的家教的小孩在处理日常问题的时候通常会表现出他们的礼貌,而那些没有好的家教的小孩则可能会以暴力方式解决问题。 An example to show parents ’ impact on their children is that many parents fail to set a positive role model. More often than not, parents have their own behavior problems, such as using violence in the face of children. As children have natural abilities to imitate others, their violent or unlawful behavior is a replica of their parents ’children.Thisiswitwhyfine upbringing normally show their courtesy in coping with real-life problems, those children with poor upbringing are, whilst, more likely to act violently. 2 学校的作用 除了培养学生的学术能力, 学校在培养学生的沟通能力, 塑造他们的道德观念方面也有着积 极影响。一方面,在学校, 和同龄人更多的交流帮助学生提高社交能力, 有利于他们减少在 教育、 情绪和社会需求上对父母的过度依赖。 另一方面, 学校教育还可以塑造学生的道德意识,增强学生的社会责任感和对陌生环境的适应能力。 Besides cultivating students ’ academic ability,s schoolplaya positive role in fostering students ’ communication ability and shaping their moral idea. For one thing, at school, more interaction with peers helps students to improve their social abilities, which reduces their over reliance on the parents for the educational, emotional and social needs. For another, school education shapes students ’ ethicalawareness, strengthen their sense of social responsibility and the ability to adapt to the strange environment.. 老师的作用 老师在培养学生的学术能力和塑造他们的道德观念方面都发挥着重要作用。 首先,老师的主 要职能是灌输知识, 帮助学生提高就业前景。 同时,通过调整教学内容和方法,老师可以帮 助学生解决问题,充分挖掘他们的潜质。 其次,在与老师的互动过程中,老师会引导学生们养成良好的品质,从而有效减少校园暴力、滥用药物、酗酒、破坏公物等反社会行为。 Teachers play a significant role in developing students academic ability and shaping their moral values. To begin with, the primary function of teachers is to impart knowledge to students to help broaden their career prospects. At the meantime, by adjusting teaching contents and methods, teachers are able to help students solve problems and fully tap their potentials. Besides, with interaction with teachers, students can be led to foster positive person


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