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高中英语选修模块课程纲要(6-8) 注:以下 3 个模块的课程纲要由部分教师编写,仅供交流、参考。 选修 6 一、基本项目: 课程名称:英语(选修 6 ) 课程类型:学科课程 授课教师:高二年级全英语组体教师 授课时间:每周 5 节,共约 8 周 40 课时 授课对象:高二年级学生 二、课程目标: 1.进一步明确学习目标,发展自主学习的能力和合作精神。 2 .在加强对学生综合语言运用能力的同时,注重提高学生用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和 解决问题的能力,以及用英语进行思维和表达的能力。 3 .能理解口头或书面材料中表达的观点,并简单发表自己的见解。 4 .能在教师的帮助下策划、组织和实施英语学习活动。 5 .能初步对学习过程和结果进行评价,调整学习目标和策略。 6 .能体会交际中所使用语言的文化内涵和背景。 三、课程内容(模块六单元目标 Unit 1 – Unit 5 ) Unit 1 Art This unit introduces the history and painting styles of the Chinese and western art, some famous painters and their works in different periods. After reading, students can also know about some of the major movements in Western art and how art has changed stylistically over the centuries. Throughout the unit, the tasks are aiming at getting the students to know about the different paintings and their styles and have the interests in art. Students are asked to consider their own preferences and tastes in art. Students are also asked to consider their own environment and how they can improve it artistically. Unit 2 Poems This unit introduces the students to several simple forms of poems. It takes a look at some poetic devices like rhythm, rhyme, repetition, sound patterns and imagery. This unit provides students with the opportunity to discuss the poems presented to know about some basic characteristics and writing methods, to learn to enjoy these poetry. Students will be encouraged to write their own poems using their creativity and their powers of observation, to experiment with words and sounds, rhyme and rhythm. Unit 3 A healthy life The topic of this unit is healthy life. Throughout the unit, the students are given opportunities to reflect on other health issues which may concern them. The issues dealt with in the texts of this unit are: HIV/AIDS, and appropriate beh


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