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高口分项介绍 SECTION 2: READING TEST (阅读) 4 passages, 20 questions, choices 原汁原味的报刊英语 Christian Science Monitor 文化障碍 fill corner offices carbon footprint, carbon trading, low-carbon travel, Kyoto Protocol 高口分项介绍 pro-life vs. pro-choice 3 R’s, Ivy League redefine Greek experience, fraternity, sorority blue law suburb, inner city blue/red states, Electoral College, 401 (k), payroll tax Catch 22, big brother Orwellian (受严格统治而失去人性的社会) soft power, unilateralism, multi-literalism, the House the House of Representatives, the Senate the House of Commons, the House of Lords the Chancellor of Exchequer faction, clique(小集团), wing, hawk, hardliner, moderate, dove, liberal, conservative, centrist, neocon, crusader, fundamentalist, radical, activist, extremist Hillary is a neocon with a D after her name. Secretary of State; Foreign Secretary; Foreign Minister; Department = Ministry State Department; State Council 阅读量: 4500 words in all 词汇: largest 熟词僻义: culture, feature, chapter, burn, translate, function run, race, juice, measure, Speaker, gunship, establishment, take a walk, go fishing, high profile, dry, wet, He blinked. I’m a family man “竞选”、“竞选”、“神通”、“议案”、“议长”、“武装直升机”、“权势集团”、“退党”、“与党离心离德”、“引人注目或公开的”、英国保守党中的“强硬派”、“温和派”、“他顶不住而退让了”“我是一个治家有方、治国(或治州、治市)有道的人” 新闻偏好词: body, ban, curb, talk, glut, edge, bar, row, fix, clout; soar, skyrocket, plummet, roadmap, landscape surprising Shocking, stunning, startling eye-popping, jaw-dropping frightening bloodcurdling, hair-raising, spine-chilling backfire, backlash, aftermath, fallout, windfall applaud the decision, defuse a crisis, brain drain, brain gain flex one’s ______ muscle = Make one’s ___ strength felt be quoted as saying…, a source close to…, on condition of anonymity, Family and _____, enjoy every minute of it as…as humanly possible a … to end all…: war, party, example, 高口分项介绍 专业词 know something of everything and everything of something tax credit, tax break, tax return, bank runs compilation album, back catalog


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