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主讲:张瑞娟 Different Ways to Run 各种“跑”的英文表达 . Someone runs for FAMILY. Someone runs for LIFE; Someone runs for HOPE; Someone runs for LOVE; How to Describe Different kinds of Running dash: to run or move quickly or suddenly, especially because there is something important or urgent you must do 急奔;急驰;猛冲 e.g. She dashed off to keep an appointment. 她急匆匆地赶去赴约。 sprint: to run a short distance very fast 在短距离内快速地跑 e.g. I sprinted the last few metres. 我全速跑完最后几米 scurry: to run with quick short steps 碎步疾跑 e.g. Ants scurried around the pile of rotting food. 蚂蚁围着那堆腐烂的食物跑来跑去。 scamper: ( especially of children or small animals ) to move quickly with short light steps especially through excitement) 欢快地奔走;蹦蹦跳跳 e.g. Children scampered off the yellow school bus and into the playground. 孩子们跑下黄颜色的校车,奔跑进了操场。 stampede: if a group of large animals or people stampede, they suddenly start running together in the same direction because they are frightened or excited (使)奔逃;(使)蜂拥,(使)争先恐后 e.g. When the door was open, people waiting outside it stampeded into the store to catch the items they are longing for.。 rush: to go somewhere very quickly, or to do something too quickly and without thinking carefully enough e.g. Everyone rushed out into the street to see what was happening. 大家都冲到街上去看发生了什么事。 bolt: ( of a person 人 ) to run away, especially in order to escape 跑开;(尤指)逃跑 e.g. When he saw the police arrive, he bolted down an alley. 他看见警察来了,便从小巷逃走了。 race: to move very fast 快速运动 e.g. The injured man was raced to the hospital. 受伤者被迅速送往医院。 gallop: to run or move quickly飞跑;奔跑 e.g. The children galloped across the field. 孩子们飞奔着穿过田野。 hare: to run or go very fast 飞跑,飞奔 e.g. He hared off down the road. 他沿着马路飞快地跑掉了。 jog: to run slowly and steadily for a long time, especially for exercise 慢跑,慢步长跑(尤指锻炼) e.g. I go jogging every evening. 我每天晚上都慢跑锻炼。 dash race sprint gallop scurry scamper bolt rush jog stampede hare summary Thank you!



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