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网络与继续教育学院课程考试试题卷 类别:网教 专业:公共课 2017年 6月 课程名称【编号】:英语【0002】 A卷 大作业 满分:100 分 大作业题目 答题须知: 1、只需写上题目编号,做要求的题目数量,不要全部做完,以免影响评分; 2、答案必须做在答题卷(答题纸)上,做在试题卷上的不予计分。 Part I 英译汉 要求:将下列英语句子翻译成汉语,每题10分,只能任意选作5题,共50分,不要改变题号。 1.You have no idea how I felt when I had to drift about a strange city the whole day not knowing if I could find a relatively permanent place to stay. 你不知道我有什么感觉,当我不得不漂移一个陌生的城市一整天不知道如果我可以找到一个相对永久的地方留。 2、Suddenly the men heard a great noise, and looked up. Their horses were fighting. The two men rushed up to stop them, but it was too late. The rich man’s horse had already been killed by the poor man’s. 突然,人们听到很大的声音,抬起头来。他们的马在战斗。两个人冲上去阻止他们,但已经太晚了。富人的马已经被那个可怜的人杀死了 3、Even after he became famous, however, Andersen still felt like an outsider. His personal relationships caused him much pain. 即使在他成名后,安徒生仍然觉得自己像个局外人。他的人际关系给他带来了许多痛苦。 4、I would remember that a good skater never tries to skate in two directions at once. The habit of attention becomes part of our life, if we begin early enough. 我要牢记:优秀的滑冰手从不试图同时滑向两个不同的方向。如果及早养成习惯,注意力就会成为我们生活的一部分。 5. It takes a little hard work at first to remember things accurately; but memory soon helps itself, and will give you no more trouble. 要准确地记住事物,首先要付出一番小小的努力;但记忆力很快就会起作用,不会给你带来麻烦。 6、The smallest courtesies along the rough roads of life are like the little birds that sing to us all winter long, and make that season of ice and snow more endurable. 7、For if it was the other way, I know how I would feel. The love we shared made everything so beautiful in life. 8、Many people eat too many of these unhealthy snacks. But others opt for more healthy eating habits. Some even go “all natural”. 9、Each region boasts its own special style of food. Visit the South and enjoy country-style cooking. Take a trip to New England and sample savory seafood dishes. 10、We paid a visit and had a talk with the landlord. We were all eager to have something like home that we could always


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