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Creativity First, let’s see something creative Have you ever played the game of Fruit Slice(切水果)? Do you like it ? What about this? U.S. Indoor designer Towry design jellyfish droplight 水母吊灯 The magic road: you will walk it above, or just take a detour(绕道而行)? This is an umbrella, this creativity is very convenient to go shopping and go out. umbrella The bulb will deform (变形)with the time. Remind everybody of turning off the lights and electricity saving. 随着时间变形的灯泡。提醒大家记得关灯,节约用电 优盘 Foreign transit site while waiting for the bus is interesting 国外的公交站点让你在等公交时也有一番风味 The first piano stair appeared in nanjing metro.2 全国首个钢琴楼梯亮相南京地铁2号线 Assorted sofe save a space and a personality 组合沙发既节省空间又彰显个性 What is creativity? — Bring in New Methods — Make Changes — Make New — Alter Creativity is the bringing into being of something which did not exist before, such as a product, a process or a thought. Many people think creation is only the business of scientists or inventors and it is not close to our daily life. Is it right ? The answer is Creativity is just in our daily life ! Everyone can be creative. No one is born as a great creator without receiving any training. So, now let’s take a course on how to bee more creative. And please activate your brain and think carefully. The first way: try to make your life more convenient The second way: try to make your life more funny The third way: try to make your life more fortable


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