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.新. * High-touch equals high-risk: surface cleaning plus hand hygiene key to HAI prevention With the ever increasing proliferation of superbugs, comes not only a need for new products and protocols but also a look back at fundamental interventions. Hand hygiene and environmental cleaning and disinfection are the two primary interventions that we can make and those are definitely back to basics, said Sue Barnes, national leader, infection prevention and control and patient safety, Kaiser Permanente Program Offices, and a member of the National APIC communications committee. Healthcare Purchasing News, June, 2009 .新. * ICU中,容易被污染的物表 温度计 输液泵和支架 氧气流量表 呼吸机控制面板/旋钮 生命监测仪面板/旋钮 血压计袖带 听诊器 电脑键盘、鼠标 电话 呼叫按钮 床头桌 床上托盘 电视遥控器 床上用台灯 床边便桶 床架和控制器 .新. * ICU环境中耐药鲍曼不动杆菌污染严重 .新. * Removes organic soil / visible soil Removes potentially infectious micro organisms Removes soil which protects m.o. during disinfection Careful cleaning Mechanical energy - friction, flushing, scrubbing Chemical products - detergents or enzymes Right Method - manual machinal Manual Cleaning .新. * Manual Cleaning NO SAFE Products! .新. * Everybody is an “EXPERT” Difficult to monitor Responsibilities not clear Health-risk Manual Cleaning NO SAFE Procedure! .新. * Common in Households Not Common in Healthcare settings Easy to use Standardization Validation Better Result Saves Nursing Time Monitoring Thermal Disinfection Machinal Cleaning Machinal Cleaning is Safer .新. * 病区的基本配置:清洗消毒机 .新. * 日本尿壶与便盆的消毒 .新. * 关注频繁手接触物体表面的去污染 .新. * MICRO FIBER The “cleaner” cleaning system .新. * 关东病院设备科-保养与维修 .新. * How Can We Evaluate Environmental Cleaning Direct observation Culture the environment ATP bioluminescence Tool Fluorescent marking tool 03/26/2010 TSICP * .新. * TESTING OF SURFACES .新. * ATP bioluminescence Swab surface luciferase tagging of ATP Hand held luminometer Used in the commercial food preparation industry to ev


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