william Blake威廉 布莱克[整理].ppt

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1710 1837 Buckingham Palace of various ages now * 精品ppt·实用可编辑 Five Senses of Human Beings Sense of hearing 听觉 Sense of sight 视觉 Sense of taste 味觉 Sense of smelling 嗅觉 Sense of touch 触觉 * 精品ppt·实用可编辑 10. the hapless Soldier sigh— the unlucky soldier who was wounded or even crippled in the war for defending the state / monarch but now is deserted by the country and has to beg for his living outside the palace since he cannot find any job as a disabled person. 11. run in blood down the palace wall: the soldiers blood runs down the palace wall Synesthesia is used in these two lines.通感,联觉 the mixture use of Sense of Hearing(eg. sigh) 听觉and Sense of Sight(eg. blood)视觉 * 精品ppt·实用可编辑 12. “Palace walls: a contrast inside– grand balls, luxurious banquets, etc. of the court the royal family outside– the crippled soldiers are suffering from the bleeding wound and hunger 13. the youthful harlot—the young prostitute 妓女 14. the youthful Harlots curse blasts the new-born Infants tear: the young prostitutes curse the men who brought venereal disease to them and their curse frightens the new-born babies from crying. * 精品ppt·实用可编辑 Ah Sunflower! Ah Sunflower, weary of time, Who countest the steps of the sun; Seeking after that sweet golden clime Where the travellers journey is done; Where the Youth pined away with desire, And the pale virgin shrouded in snow, Arise from their graves, and aspire Where my Sunflower wishes to go! * 精品ppt·实用可编辑 《啊,向日葵》 啊,向日葵!怀着对时间的厌倦 整天数着太阳的脚步. 它寻求甜蜜而金色的天边—— 倦旅的旅途在那儿结束; 那儿,少年因渴望而憔悴早殇, 苍白的处女盖着雪的尸布, 都从他们坟中起来向往—— 向着我的向日葵要去的国度。 (飞白译) * 精品ppt·实用可编辑 Auguries of Innocence To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour. * 精品ppt·实用可编辑 天真的预示 一颗沙里看出一个世界, 一朵野花里一座天堂, 把无限放在你的手掌上, 永恒在一刹那里收藏。 梁宗岱 译 * 精品ppt·实用可编辑 扫烟囱孩子(一) 选自《天真之歌》 (卞之琳译) 我母亲死的时候,我还小得很, 我父亲把我拿出来卖给了别人, 我当时还不大喊得清“扫呀,扫,” 我就扫你们烟囱,裹煤屑睡觉。 有个小托姆,头发卷得像小羊头, 剃光的时候,哭得好伤心,好难受, 我就说


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