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1.Children  can get close to________nature by  taking part in________series of outdoor activities. A. the ; / B. the ; a C . /; the D. /; a2 Have you seen Jack recently ?I wonder________with his classmates. A. how is he getting along B . that he is getting along well C. what he is getting along D . if he is getting along well 3. Robert often thinks of________he can do for his country. A. what B . how C . that D . which 4. Now I ’ ve got him in my________ ;I can make him do anything I want. A. power B . energy C. strength D . right 5. Emily ’ s grandma________poor health for several years , so she always takes care of her after school. A. joined in B . has got tired of C .went through D . has suffered from 6. — What’ s wrong with him? — He’ s________a bad cold. A. suffering from B . catching C .having on D .keeping on 7. You look well.The air and the sea foods in Sanya must ________you.I suppose. A. agree with B . agree to C. agree on D . agree about 8. I don ’ t like the pop singer ’ s songs.In fact.I ’ ve trouble ds oftheis wsorngs. A. understand B . to understand C . understood D .understanding 9. Drivers are warned that it is dangerous to talk on the phone while________. A. drive B . driving C. drove D. to drive 10 . — Have you ever been to Shanghai Expo Garden? —No.It is the first time that I________to China. A. come B .have come C. am coming D . came 11.David said that it was because of his strong interest in literature________he chose the course. A. that B . what C. why D . how 12 . — Did the boys break the window________ ? —No.They did it when they were playing football. A. by accident B . on purpose C. at dusk D . as usual 13 . As we all know ,parents are concerned________their children ’ s ,studybecause it is concerned________their future. A. about ; with B . about ; for C. for ; about D . with ; about 14 . I have some trouble________physics.I would be grateful________you if you could give me some advice on it. A. with ; for B . in; to C


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