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American Dreams in Death of a Salesman Abstract: With money as the theme of “American Dream” in Arthur Miller’s masterpiece Death of a Salesman is fully reflected. The tragedy death of leading character stands for the broken of American Dream. Willie’s twisty character is the main reason for his tragedy fate, while his social rules are the primary cause. These two reasons lead the broken of American Dreams. Key words: Arthur Miller, Death of a Salesman, American Dreams After the masterpiece Death of a Salesman came out by contemporary author Arthur Miller, it caused a big sensation among American playdom. Arthur Miller was praised as a social philosophical dramatist. His art achievement reached peakedness by his masterpiece Death of a Salesman. Willy Loman who was a salesman believed American Dreams with no doubt thought only he worked hard and kind to people then he could get into the upper class. In this way, he could become rich and respect by people. Willy’s sons, Buf and Habbie, were controlled by American Dreams like their father. But unfortunately, they became victims of it. American Dreams is a kind of fairy tale in contemporary American society. American Dreams in American literature Every country and ethnic literature with unique tradition has its own emotion. For American literature, this kind of emotion is the “American Dreams”. Throughout the American literature of the 20th century, we can find a forever theme; this is the "American Dreams" of weight loss and prospects of persistent pursuit. The "American Dreams" is throughout the history of the United States, the most can reflect the ideal of American way of life and national spirit is the equality, freedom, tolerance, enterprising and idealistic belief of success, is the everyone has equal opportunity to succeed the hope and the possibility of miracles optimistic self-confidence. It is this "American Dreams", as it were, embodied the American spirit, embodies the American traditional value concept.


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