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108.今天我们要学习的单词是:Place: n. 1. 地方,地点;地区;位置 2. 住所,寓所 3. 席位,座位 4. (有特定用途的)场所 5. 名次,(第...)名 6. 社会地位,身份 7. 【数】位 8. 工作,职务,职责 9. 广场,街道 vt. 1. 放置,安置;将...寄托于 2. 投(资);存(款);开出(订单) 3. 定出(选手)名次 4. (常用在疑问句、否定句中)看清,想起[(+as)] 5. 任命 vi. 1. 名列前茅,得名次 1. We ate lunch at her place. 我们在她家吃了中饭。 2. Mary won first place in the singing contest. 玛丽在歌咏比赛中得第一名。 3. That playwright has a high place in the history of American literature. 那位剧作家在美国文学史上占有重要地位。 4. She found a place as a cashier. 她得到一个出纳员的职位。 5. He placed cups and saucers on the table. 他把杯子和茶碟放到桌上。 6. I placed an order with them for 500 pairs of shoes. 我向他们定购了五百双鞋子。 I remember her name but cant place her face. 我记得她的名字,但记不清她的脸了 略 Compound Words and Relative Words: place-kick:定位踢 placeman:(英)官吏 placement:布置,人员配置 Everyday Expresses and Useful Phrases: to place aside:搁置 to place emphasis on:强调 to give place to:让位给 to take place:发生 to change places:换位子 all over the place:到处 fall into place:渐渐被理解 in place:适当的 in place of:代替 in the first place:首先 in the next place:其次 out of place:不在适当的位置 take ones place:准备好;各就各们 Idioms Slangs: put sb. in his or her place:帮某人清醒认识自己 put oneself in others place:为别人考虑 place ones head in the lions mouth:置身于极其危险之中 Quotation or Proverbs: Everythging is good in its place ! 各得其所时,凡事皆好。 及问题 5! 1. When will the basketball game take place? 2. Would you make place for me in the car? 3. Plastics are now often used in place of wood or metal. 4. Would you mind changing places with us? 5. Theres no place like home(East or west, home is best). 篮球赛何时举行? 你能为我在车子里腾出点地方来吗? 现在塑料经常被用来代替木料或金属。 你们愿意与我们换一下位置吗? 哪里也不如家好。 107. 今天我们要学习的单词是:Order: n. 1. 顺序,次序 2. 整齐,有条理 3. 状况;良好的状况 4. 秩序,治安;规律 5. 命令,指示 6. 订购;订货 7. 汇票,汇单 8. 等级,阶层,界 9. 教团;神职 10. (常大写)勋爵士团;勋章 11. 【军】队形,序列 12. 【生】目 vt. 1. 命令;指挥 2. 定购;叫(菜或饮料)(+for) 3. 整理;安排;布置 4. (医生)嘱咐;处(方) vi. 1


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