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Unit 4 Section I 单词拼写 1. Hes devoted his whole life to the ( 保护 )of the rare animals. 2. She is still ( 搜寻 )for a new job. 3. We all heaved a sigh of ( 放松 )when we heard that they were safe. 4. Here I would stress the ( 重要 )of mathematics to the whole of science. 5. This defeat was a ( 沉重的 )blow to the enemy. It is highly necessary to ( 预防)against the dangers of the coming typhoon. I really ( 欣赏 )a good cup of tea. He needs a high ( 收入 )to support such a large family. The station is two miles ( 遥远的 )from the school. The (重要性)of telling the truth can not be doubted. 答案: 1.protection 他终生献身于珍稀动物的保护。 2. hunting 她还在找新工作。 3. relief 当我们听说他们平安无事时,都松了一口气。 4. importance 这里我要强调数学对整个科学的重要性。 5. powerful 这次失败是对敌人的有力的打击。 6.secure 预防即将来临的台风的危险很有必要。 7. appreciate 有好茶一杯, 我就真乐在其中了。 8. income 他需要很高的收入才能养活这么大一家子人。 9. distant 学校离车站两英里。 10. importance 讲真话的重要性不容置疑。 n.句型转换 1.Panda is one of the endangered wild animals in the world. Panda is one of the wild a n i m a l s i n the world. 2.Some of the wild animals are disappearing. Some of the wild animals . 3. The old lady is sleeping peacefully. The old lady is sleeping . 4. The baby burst out crying in the midnight. The baby in the midnight. 5.A series of miserable failures followed their early success. Their early success by a series of miserable failures. 答案: 1.i n dan ger 2.are dying out3.i n peace4.burst into tears 答案: 1.i n dan ger 2.are dying out 3.i n peace 4.burst into tears 5.was succeeded 川.单句语法填空 Because of the destruct ion of forest, many species are dying . 答案:out die out指(物种)灭绝”。 Too much smoking and drinking (effect) him greatly, which meant bad livi ng habits had effect on his health. 答案:affected; an affect 为及物动词,因题干为过去时态,故用过去时; have an effect on... 对 有影响,为固定搭配。 This is a place where childre n can play dan ger, but if you are really dan ger please call the number 9919919. 答案:without; in without dan ger 无危险地;安全地”;in dan ger 在危险中”, 指自身处于危险之中。 I appreciated (give) the opport un ity to study abroad two ye


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