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The Ghost Ship (典范 6-13 ) 1 The ghost ship One day Ernie was late for school. He ran up School Hill and slipped through the hole in the fence. He hoped the Head wouldn ’tsee him. ‘ Wow! ’ Ernie gasped. There was a ghost shipfloating about in the playground. It was much like an ordinary ship, but white and see-through . He knew that it couldn ’ t be real. The ghost ship was tied to one of the netball posts (柱子) . A strange glow came from it, and it rocked (摇晃) up and down as if it was riding invisible (看不见的) waves. A ghost seagull flew around it. ‘Ahoy there, ghost ship! ’Ernie cried bravely. A ghost ’shead popped out (从窗边探出头来) from a window. ‘Who said that? ’the ghost asked. ‘Idid! ’said Ernie. ‘But you ’re not supposed tobe able to see me!’the ghost gasped. Then the ghost thought again ‘.Are you sure you can see me? ’the ghost asked. ‘Quite sure, ’Ernie said. The window slammed (哐的一声) shut. ‘Ispoke to a ghost! ’Ernie shouted. Mrs Wiggins, the caretaker, heard Ernie shout. She came running out to the playground ‘I. sp-sp-spoke to a ghost! ’Ernie stuttered . ‘Shhh! Don ’ttell anyone, ’said Mrs Wiggins. ‘Why not? ’ Ernie asked. ‘Idon’twant you upsetting the small ones in Class One! ’ Mrs Wiggins said. ‘But the ghost ship ’sparked (停车) in the playground, ’Ernie said. ‘They ’ll see it when they come outat break. ’‘ Not everyone can see it, ’said Mrs Wiggins. ‘Well, I can, ’Ernie told her. ‘Then that makes two of us, ’sighed Mrs Wiggins. Mrs Wiggins marched up to the ghost ship. ‘Ship ahoy! ’called Mrs Wiggins. The window popped open, and out looked the same ghost as before. ‘Ahoy, there, Mrs Wiggins, ’the ghost said, politely. ‘Captain Pegleg! ’Mrs Wiggins scolded . ‘You promised that no one else but mecould see you. But one of the children from Class Four just has! Haven ’t you, Ernie? ’ ‘Yes, ’Ernie said, ‘Ijust have. ’ ‘Well, it can happen, you know, ’the Captain said, sounding upset ‘.Not often, but sometimes it happens ’. 1 ‘You can ’tkeep sailing in her


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