陕西省2015高考英语人教版一轮课时作业及解析:必修4 Unit 3.doc

陕西省2015高考英语人教版一轮课时作业及解析:必修4 Unit 3.doc

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陕西省2015高考英语人教版一轮课时作业及解析:必修4 Unit 3 课时作业(十八) 必修4 Unit 3 A taste of English humour[ Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.Mark Twain was a________(幽默的) writer and his works always make readers laugh. 2.Jim had an accident yesterday.________(幸运的是),he was not badly hurt.www-2-1-cnjy-com 3.Because of the war,many people became________(无家可归的) in Libya. 4.The________(喝醉的) driver was punished severely by the police. 5.Don’t be________(挑剔的) about your friends,or you’ll end up not having any. 6.Considering h is age,I am quite________(满意的) with his performance in the play. 7.The thief________(溜进) into the house without anyone noticing him. 8.Seeing my arrival,he came over and________(低语) something in my ear. Ⅱ.情景对话 (2013·陕西省重点中学二模) W:Hello.Are you free now? M:Oh,yes.__1__ W:Yes.My iPad mini doesn’t work. M:Oh,let me have a look. W:How long will it take to repair my iPad mini? M:__2__Sometime s it takes only a few minutes if I can find the problem quickly.However,sometimes it takes an hour or two.【出处:21教育名师】 W:Shall I wait here or come back later? M:__3__ W:OK.You can finish repairing it today,can’t you? M:__4__ W:OK,what’s your phone number? M:5469233. W:__5__And I will return in two hours. M:Take your time. A.About half an hour. B.Can I help you? C.What’s wrong with your iPad mini? D.Well,it’s hard to say. E.Yes,but you’d better call me before you come. F.OK,I will go shopping in the supermarket over there. G.It’s up to you,but you’d better come back later. Ⅲ.单项填空 1.(2014·辽宁六校联考)—I’d like to be on my own for a while.Do you mind? —________.Go ahead. A.Not in the least      B.No way C.Yes,of course  D.I’m afraid so 2.(2014·河南郑州高 中毕业年级质量预测)Helen has been looking for a job over the whole year,feeling she can’t get________without work experience. A.one  B.it C.that  D.this 3.(2014·安徽蚌 埠第一次教学质量检查)Finding information in today’s world is easy.The ________is how you can tell if the information you get is useful or not. A.knowledge   B.ability C.competition  D.challenge 4.(2013·山东卷)Th ere is no s



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