生物活性大分子的理性设计及高效制备version for print.ppt

生物活性大分子的理性设计及高效制备version for print.ppt

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生物活性大分子的理性设计和高效制备Version for print;报告内容;研究背景;科学和技术问题;主要研究内容;研 究 结 果;搭建了工业微生物资源和信息共享数据库和相应的网站;生物信息学分析方法、数据库的建立与应用;Cooperativity of the oxidization of cysteines in proteins. Bioinformatics. In press. The influence of dipeptide composition on protein thermostability. FEBS Lett 2004, 569: 284~288. A novel method of analyzing proline synonymous codons in Escherichia coli. FEBS Lett 2004, 576(3): 336~338. Computational analysis of responsible dipeptides for optimum pH in G/11 xylanase. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2004, 321(2): 391~396. Principle component analysis in F/10 and G/11 xylanas. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2004, 322(1): 277~280. Prediction of the disulfide bonding state of cysteines in proteins based on dipeptide composition. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2004, 318, 1: 142~147. Related dipeptide and characteristic dipeptide of optimal pH in α-amylase. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2002, 299(4): 647~651. Support vector machines for prediction of peptidyl prolyl cis/trans isomerization. J Pept Res 2004, 63: 23~28. Cooperativity of the oxidization of cysteines in globular proteins. J Theor Biol 2004, 231(1): 85~95. A novel model to calculate dipeptides responsible for optimum temperature in F/10 xylanase. Process Biochem 2005, 40: 1389~1394. ;构建了系列新型基因克隆和表达载体; 实践了新型生物活性分子组建方略; 建立了工业生物技术共性共享平台;代表性成果1: 高温酸性a-淀粉酶;淀粉生物加工和生物转化获得的重要工业产品;脱皮脱胚;新型高温酸性a-淀粉酶研制过程;新型高温酸性a-淀粉酶的主要酶学性质;Novo公司的高温a-淀粉酶:最适pH 5.6-6.5, 有效pH 5.3-6.8, 最适温度 95 ℃, 耐热性(T1/2) 100 ℃,20min。;重组酶的高效制备;重组菌产酶水平显著高于国内现有水平;代表性成果2: 长效人b-干扰素;活力半衰期延长了12倍;成果、专利、著作、论文;未来工作重点;致 谢;谢谢各位专家!;


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