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图表作文开头段的写法 开头段的写法: 改写 / 转述 题目 同义替换 1. 同义词替换 2. 关键词词性、位置的转换。 3. 时间、地点的改写。 4. 名词和从句之间的相互转换。 1 2020/4/5 1. 同义词替换。 (关键词词性、位置的转换。) 2 2020/4/5 The table below shows the proportion of different categories of families living in poverty in Australia in 1999. Family type Proportion of people from each household type living in poverty Single aged person 6% Aged couple 4% Single, no children 19% Couple, no children 7% Sole parent 21% Couple with children 12% All household 11% 3 原题: The table below shows the proportion of different categories of families living in poverty in Australia in 1999. 改后: The following chart describes the percentage of diverse types (同义词替换) of poor families (改变关键词的位置和词性) in Australia in 1999. 4 图表作文开头段常用替换 1. show: (10 种 ) give, describe, demonstrate, outline, indicate, reveal, present, illustrate, offer / provide an overview of…, compare 5 2020/4/5 2. Information: data, statistics, numbers, figures, 3. proportion: percentage, share 4. types: kinds, divisions, sorts, categories, aspects, classifications 6 2020/4/5 2. 时间、国家的改写。 7 2020/4/5 原句: The graph below shows the unemployment rates in the U.S. and Japan between March 1993 and March 1999. 时间改写: between March 1993 and March 1999 during the period from March 1993 to March 1999. 地点改写(具体 概括) in the U.S. and Japan: in two different countries 8 2020/4/5 3. 名词和从句之间的相互转换 9 2020/4/5 The graph below shows the unemployment rates in the U.S. and Japan between March 1993 and March 1999 N. how N. + V. (change / fluctuate) unemployment rates how unemployment rates changed 10 2020/4/5


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