高一英语必修5 Unit 3 Life in the future 语法基础练习 试卷.docVIP

高一英语必修5 Unit 3 Life in the future 语法基础练习 试卷.doc

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Unit 3 Life in the future 语法练兵(past participle used as adverbial) 一.用所给词的正确形式(- ed or v-ing)填空: 1When_______(ask) why he was late, he went red.(脸红了) 2 Deeply ____ (move) by the story, she began to cry. 3 He walked out of the house,_______ (follow) by his pet dog ______(name )Snoopy. 4 When______ (travel), you should take care of your health. 6 Even if______ (invite), I won’t attend the evening party. = Even if I______ (invite), I won’t attend the evening party. 7 _______(dress )in white, she looks really pretty. 8 ________(see) the picture, I couldn’t help thinking of his good old days. 9 Can you see the boy _____________(question) by the police now? 10 Can you tell me where the ________(change) room is ? (更衣室) 11 The building ____________(complete) at the end of this year will be our library. 考点: 1 过去分词与现在分词做状语: (1) v-ed 表完成,被动;但有些过去分词表状态:如: 7 Dressed in white, she looks beautiful.= She is dressed in white. She looks beautiful.(两个简单句) (2)v-ing 现在分词表进行,主动 2 过去分词与现在分词,动名词做定语。 …his pet dog named Snoopy (表被动) … the boy being questioned by the police (正在被问) ? the changing room 表用途 二 前面的基础题做的怎么样,挑战一下下面的高考题吧。It is a piece of cake!!!!! 1 It shames me to say it, but I told a lie when ____ at the meeting by my boss.(04) A questioning?? B having questioned C questioned?? D to be questioned 2 _____ time, he’ll make a first –class tennis player.(03) A Having given B to given? C giving? D Given 3 ____by the beauty of nature, the girl from London decided to spend another two days on the farm.(04) A Attracting??? B Attracted?? C To be attracted?? D Having attracted 4 _____ with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean doesn’t seem big at all. A Compare?? B When comparing?? C Comparing??? D When compared *5 _____ in thought ,he almost ran into the car in front of him. A Losing B Having lost C Lost D To lost *7 The bell ______ the end of the period rang, ____ our heated discussion. A indicating; interrupting? B indicated; interrupting C indicated; interrupting?? D ind


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