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外贸函电介词练习 I. Fill in the blank with the proper preposition. 1. I’d like to direct your attention ______ the quality ______ the goods which is superior_____ that of other makes. 2. We refer _____ your offer _____ 16th March. 3. If you could make a reduction ____10% ______ quotation, we have confidence____ securing large order ____ you. 4. Thank you _____ your quotation _____ October 8th ____ 1000 pieces _____ the captioned goods. 5. The goods you ordered has been duly shipped____ s.s. Nimrod to London. 6. _____ request of your previous letter, we enclose our Sales Confirmation in triplicate. 7. We consider it difficult to file a claim ____ the manufacturers. 8. We will pass _____ your decision to the buyers _____ their consideration. 9. Our nail trimmers are packed ____ boxes ____ one dozen each. 10. It is only _________ view _________ our long friendly relation that we accept D/P payment for future dealings. 11. We will now very much appreciate receiving at the earliest possible moment your quotation _________ tea for the new season. 12. We have _________ present only 50m/ts Bitter Apricot Kernels _________ stock. 13. The buyer made a bid _________ $700 per ton for Walnut meat. 14. We are glad that we have come _________ an agreement _________ this matter. 15. _________ case the said goods are not available _________ stock, please inform us as soon as possible. 16. We are sending you herewith the required Pro forma Invoice _________ triplicate. 17. We hope you will accommodate us in this respect and continue supplying us _________ Enamelware and Basket ware. 18. One of our clients in Singapore is _________ the market _________ Chinese sewing machines. 19. If your prices are favorable, we are prepared to order the beans ______ large quantity. 20. We offer you 300 cartons ______ candle ______ US$3 _______ carton __


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