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英文感谢信的格式模板 一、感谢信 一)高分套路: 第一段:交代写信的目的;第二段:回顾对方所作的事情; 第三段:强调事情的意义 或 愿意回报对方;第四段:再次表达 感谢和祝愿; 二)加分套话: 在心中我要为 ... 向你表达我真挚的协议 I would like to convey in these few lines my heartfelt thanks to you for ? 非常感谢你的礼物,这是我收到的最好的礼物 Thanks a lot for the gift. It s the most wonderful gift I have ever received . 借此机会感谢你给我们的及时帮助和支持 I would like to take this opportunity to express my great appreciation of your timelyhelp and assistance/support. 非常感谢你为帮助我们 ... 所做的一切 Many thanks for all the good things you have done in helping us to ? 我谨代表全家对 ... 表示由衷的感谢 On behalf of my whole family , I would like to extend my sincere gratitude for? 1 对你的帮助再次表示感谢 Thanks again for your kind help. 我的感激之情难以言表 My true gratitude is beyond any words /description. 请接受我的谢意 Please accept my thanks. 对于你的帮助,我们每个人都心存感激 Your help is very much appreciated by each one of us. 三)参考模板: Dear..., 第一段:交代写信目的 (1)How are you doing? (2)I amwriting this letter/these few lines to express myheartfelt gratitude/thanks to you for doing sth. 注: 1、写感谢信时,大家一般都认识,所以这里没有写自我介 绍; 、第二个段落就是写信背景,所以第一段中连背景也省略了;第二段:具体回顾对方所做的事情 (3)When I , I just can t helpthinking of you/ what you have done for me. (4)It was so kind of you to (5)Besides, you , which really surprised me. (6)Actually, I shall always remember , considering that,(7)Nothing will be able 2 to erase our wonderful memories, and I will cherishthem forever. 注意:如果对方没有做三件事,写两件也行,写一件也行——不 要超字数过多就好啦! 第三段写法一:强调对方所作所为的意义 (8)You have not only done sth, but also spared us the worry ofsth. (9)Your kind help/dedication is very much appreciated, not onlyby myself, but also by our whole family/class/school as well. (10) Words fail when Iwant to express my gratitude to you. 【9、10 两句都属于“有用的废话” 】 第三段写法二:表示愿意回报对方,并写出具体回报方式; (8)I wish to have chance to express my gratitude to you/to repay you.(9)I will feelvery honored and pleased if.(10)Would you kindly let me know? 注:一般两种写法中,按照试题的要求,写一种就行了,写两种 的话字数有 200 多了!!! 第四段:再次表达感谢并祝愿; (11)Thanks again for what you have done for me/us. (12) May


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