传感器与检测技术 知识岛 2+十二条维修陋习.docx

传感器与检测技术 知识岛 2+十二条维修陋习.docx

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十二条维修陋习 1.缺乏沟通 Lack of communication 47 screws, removed by the afternooon shift, were left off of the horizontal stabilizer leading edge by the midnight shift. 47颗螺钉,下午班拆下,被夜班遗忘在水平安定面前缘。 “I guess?day shift can finish screwing on the panel.” “我猜白班已经安装了盖板螺钉。” Safety Nets verbal 口头 Written 笔记 Discuss work done and what has to be completed 讨论已经完成的工作和需要完成的工作 Paraphrase to ensure the "Mental Pictures" match 复述以确保与“脑海中的画面”相匹配 Never assume anything 绝不假设任何事情 Check logbooks for snags or deferred items 检查日志中是否有问题或延迟的项目 Write to insure the person reading will understand what to do 记录是为了确保读者明白该怎么做 Use simple,clear and concise language 使用简单、清晰、简洁的语言 2.自满 Complacency A very experienced AME saw what he expected to see when he inspected the elevator down cable, that was covered in brown preservative ,38 hours before the failure. 在事故发生前的38个小时,一位非常有经验的AME在检查作动筒下面钢索,只看到了他预期的情况,上边覆盖着棕色的防腐剂。 "I've looked back there at least 1000 times and never found anything wrong!" “我已经看那里至少有1000次了,从来没有发现任何问题。” Safety Nets Train yourself to expect to find a fault by saying "I will find a fault" 通过常言:我将发现故障,锻炼自己去期望发现故障。 Play the "what if "game&mentally brief yourself 玩“如果……会怎样”的游戏,并在心里简要地告诉自己。 NEVER sign for anything you didn't do 没有做的事情,一定不要签字。 Always use the checklist correctly by reading&signing each line 通过阅读和签署每一行来正确使用检查单。 Remember YET if you're human-You're Eligible Too. 记住,是人就会犯错。 Learn from the mistakes of others. 从别人的错误中学习。 3.缺乏知识 Lock of Knowledge A Lack of understanding or experience for the task at hand. 对于手头的任务缺乏理解和经验。 A restoration repair to a critical part failed to include a stress relieving fillet radius. 对于关键部件的修复未能包括倒角半径的应力消除。 "This is the third one to fail! What's going on?" “这是第三次失败了,到底怎么了?” safety nets Ensure the required manuals are up to date. 确定需要的手册已经更新 Go over the proceduce before starting. 开始前把流程过一遍。 When in doubt - find out from someone who know. 当出现疑问,从知道的人那里找到答案。 If anything is different than before, find out why. 如果与以前相比出现任何不同,找出原因。 Take every training opportunity availab



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