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Unit 1 Depe nding on their product ion or origi n pharmaceutical age nts can be split into three groups : Totally synthetic material (synthetics ) Natural products , and Product from partial syntheses (semi -synthetic products ) 依据其生产或来源,药物制剂可以分为三类:I.完全的合成材料(人工合成材料), II.天然产物,和HI.源自部分合成的产品(半合成产品)。 The emphasis of the present book is on the most important compounds of groups I and III -thus Drug synthesis . 翻译:所以本书的重点是I和III部分的药物合成。 本书的重点是在于I和川类中最重要的化合物——药物合成。 This does not mean , however , that natural products or other agents are less important 然而这并不意味着,天然产物和其他试剂不重要 they can serve as valuable lead structures , and they are frequently n eeded as starti ng materials or as in termediates for importa nt s yn thetic products 它们可以作为有价值的先导结构,他们常常作为重要的合成产品的起始原料或中 间体产品 5 : Table 1 gives an overview of the different methods for obtaining pharmaceutical agents . 表1列出了获取药物制剂的不同方法的概述。 6. Several therapeutically significant natural products which were orig in allyobtained from natural sources are today more effectively orig in ally i.e. more economically -prepared by total synthesis 最初从天然资源库获得的几个重要治疗作用的天然产品, 今天可以通过全合成更 有效地,即更经济地被制备出来。 7.Such example include L-amino acids , Chloramphenicol , Caffeine , Dopamine , Epinephrine , Levodopa , peptide hormorres , Prostaglandins D-Penicillamine , Vincamine , and practically all vitamins . 这样的例子包括L-氨基酸、氯霉素、咖啡因、多巴胺、肾上腺素、左旋多巴、 肽类激素、前列腺素、D-青霉胺、长春胺,以及几乎所有的维生素。 8.0ver the last few years fermentation — i.e. microbiological processes — has become extremely important 在过去的几年里,发酵,即微生物过程,变得极其重要 9.through moder n tech no logy and results from gen etic select ion leading to the creation of high performanee mutants of microorganisms ferme ntati onhas already become the method of choice for a wide range of substances ferme ntati on 通过现代技术和基因选择导致的微生物的高性能突异变种的结果, 发酵已成为选 择宽范围物质的方法。 . Both Eukaryonts (yeasts and moulds ) and Prokaryonts (single bac terial cells ,and actinomycetes ) are used as microorganisms . 真核细胞(酵母菌和霉菌)和原核细胞(单细胞细菌,放线菌)都可用作微生 物。 .The follo


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