自主移动机器人导论课件 2 Locomotion.pdf

自主移动机器人导论课件 2 Locomotion.pdf

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Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robots LOCOMOTION WANG Wei Lab of Autonomous Robot Mechatronic System ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, BEIHANG UNIVERSITY Content of this section  Locomotion Concepts  Legged Locomotion – hopping robots – biped robots – multilegged robots  Robotics in hazardous application  Reconfigurable mobile robot system-JL Series 2012/9/21 wangweilab@buaa.edu.cn 2 ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, BEIHANG UNIVERSITY Locomotion Concepts  Principles Found in Nature 2012/9/21 wangweilab@buaa.edu.cn 3 ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, BEIHANG UNIVERSITY Locomotion Concepts  Concepts found in nature  difficult to imitate technically  Most technical systems use wheels or caterpillars  Rolling is most efficient on flat and hard surfaces, but not found in nature  Nature never invented the wheel !  However, the movement of a walking biped is close to rolling 2012/9/21 wangweilab@buaa.edu.cn 4 ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, BEIHANG UNIVERSITY Locomotion Concepts  Walking of a Biped  Biped walking mechanism  Not far from real rolling  rolling of a polygon with slide length equal to the length of the step  the smaller the step gets, the more the polygon tends to a circle(wheel)  However, fully rotating joint was not developed in nature 2012/9/21 wangwei


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