企业应用系统架构与设计模式 (2).ppt

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* TechEd 2002 * * TechEd 2002 * * TechEd 2002 * * TechEd 2002 * The Data Access Application Block is a managed component that exposes classes with methods to help you execute commands against a Microsoft SQL Server database in a robust and efficient manner. It incorporates Microsoft ADO.NET data access best practices and uses data access patterns identified in the .NET Data Access Architecture Guide (/library/en-us/dnbda/html/daag.asp). The main elements of the Data Access Application Block are illustrated in the slide. The SqlHelper class provides a set of static methods that you can use to execute a variety of different command types against the database. The SqlHelperParameterCache class provides command parameter caching functionality used to improve performance. This is used internally by a number of the Execute methods (specifically, the overrides that are designed to execute only stored procedures). It can also be used directly by the data access client to cache specific parameter sets for specific commands. The SqlHelper and SqlHelperParameterCache classes provide Shared (Visual Basic) / static (C#) methods only, and they contain a private default constructor to deliberately prevent objects being created. To call a Shared / static method, use the class name to make the method call, as illustrated in the following code sample. [Visual Basic] Imports System Imports System.Data Imports Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.Data ... Dim result As Integer = SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(conn, CommandType.StoredProcedure, StoredProcName) [C#] using System; using System.Data; using Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.Data; ... int result = SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(conn, CommandType.StoredProcedure, StoredProcName ); * TechEd 2002 * * TechEd 2002 * * TechEd 2002 * 設計 Business Entity 設計 DataSet CartDS CategoryDS ProductDS CustomerDS 設計Business Rule Component Facade Service interface設計模式 Fa?ade design pattern 目标:子系统提供单一接口给客户端 问题:子系统内的class分别提供部分功能,客户端必须呼叫个别的class,致使两层间连结复杂,不易维护,违反Encap


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