教案 语法 (范文).docxVIP

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教案 语法 (范文) 第 PAGE \* Arabic 1 页第 PAGE \* Arabic 1 页 Developing and developed countries Content Module 2 Grammar link words Teaching aims Knowledge objectives: to understand the usage of link word. Ability objectives: By the end of this class, Ss can use link words to talk skillfully and write correct compound sentence. Emotion objective: Get Ss to become interested in grammar learning. Important points and difficult points Important points: the usage of but, however, while. Difficult points: the distinction of but and however. Class type: new class. Teaching method: task-based teaching Teaching aids: PPT, blackboard design Teaching procedures Step 1 Greeting and lead-in Step 2 Presentation ?? ?? Look at the link words but and however in these sentences. Then answer the questions. 1)????? The report shows that we are making progress but that we need to make greater efforts. 2)????? In the last ten years in?China, 150 million people moved out of poverty. However, the challenges are still great. 3)????? More than 1 billion people in developing countries do not drink safe water. However, in other parts of the world, e.g.?Eastern Europe, water is now mostly safe to drink. Q1. Does however mean the same as but?——Yes Q2. Which link word begins a sentence?——However Q3. Which link word can join two parts of a sentence?——But Q4. Which link word is followed by a comma?——However Step 3 Explanation A. but and however but 作为并列连词,在意义上起转折作用。 but 前后的两个句子或短语在意义上形成鲜明对照。 but 用来连接两个分句或两个较长的短语时, but 前面一般要加逗号。   (1) He is old but strong.  (2)Learning the guitar isn't difficult, but you will have to practice.  however 意为“可是,然而,尽管”,较 but 的意味弱,通常用作连接性状语。其位置可以在句首,句末或插入句中。however不能直接连接两个分句,必须另起新句,并用逗号隔开。   (3) However,we need not do that now. (4)He said it was so;he was mistaken,however. (5) His friends,however,had other ideas.   注: however 也可用作连接副词,意为“不论怎样”,用来引导让步状语从句。eg: However we may do it,it will be a difficult job. Practice 2 in the book 1and b In a develo


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