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卡尔曼滤波用于语音增强的一个经典代码 matlab - 副本 function output=KalmanSignalDenoiser(Noisy,Clean,fs) OUTPUT=KALMANSIGNALDENOISER(NOISY,CLEAN,FS) this purpose of this function is to demonstrate the capability of kalman % filter for denoising noisy speech (corrupted by white noise). Kalman % filtering of noisy speech usually have two steps: 1 . Estimating the AR parameters of speech segment 2 . Filtering the segment There are different approaches for extracting AR parameters of noisy % speech in the literature, however, in this function none is implemented. % Clean speech signal should be provided for this purpose. % ARGUMENTS NOISY : noise contaminated speech CLEAN : clean speech signal FS : Sampling frequency which should be the same for both signals % Output is the denoised speech signal % Required functions: SEGMENT %Sep-04 %Esfandiar Zavarehei W=fix(.025*fs); %Window length is 25 ms SP=1; %Shift percentage is 40% (10ms) %Overlap-Add method works good with this value(.4) SpecP=13; Window=ones(W,1); x=segment(Clean,W,SP,Window); y=segment(Noisy,W,SP,Window); n=segment(Noisy-Clean,W,SP,Window); R=var(n); H=[zeros(1,SpecP-1) 1]; G=H; GGT=G*H; FUpper=[zeros(SpecP-1,1) eye(SpecP-1)]; I=eye(SpecP); [A Q]=lpc(x,SpecP); P=diag(repmat(R(1),1,SpecP)); o=zeros(1,W*size(x,2));% allocating memory to the output in advance save a lot of computation time o(1:SpecP)=y(1:SpecP,1); hwb = waitbar(0,Please wait...,Name,Processing); start=SpecP+1; Sp=o(1:SpecP); t=SpecP+1; for n=1:size(x,2) waitbar(n/size(x,2),hwb,[Please wait... num2str(fix(100*n/size(x,2))) %]) F=[FUpper; fliplr(-A(n,2:end))]; for i=start:W S_=F*Sp; e=y(i,n)-S_(end);%innovation P_=F*P*F+GGT*Q(n); K=(P_*H)/(H*P_*H + R(n)); SOut=S_+K*e; o(t-SpecP+1:t)=SOut; %Notice that the previous SpecP-1 output samples are updated again P=(I-K*H)*P_; Sp=SOut; t=t+1; end start=1; end close(hwb) output=o; function FormantTrack=FTrackSig(signal,fs) F=FTRACKSIG(S) Formant Tracking % Inputs: S, signal, the speech signal with Motorola Format and sampli


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