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Global School Connection through Collaborative Projects • To familiarize the children with technology. • Usage of authentic English. • To encourage global collaboration • To improve each country’s image by creating new friendships with children and educators from around the world. John Wu, Linguistic and Cultural communication ICT Project Coordinator 1994-1998 Pen Pal Program with the schools in Texas,USA. (Article published on China Today magazine) 1999-2001 email project with the schools in USA, Canada,Australia, South Africa 2002-2003 Go-fourth program: face to face celebration with Rocky Hill School delegation from Rhode Island. Dedicated a UN peace pole in our school campus. 2004-2006 projects extended to Israel,Japan, Spain, Belgium, UK and Argentina /ChinaToday/Today/ChinaToday/ct99/99-09/ct99-9e-17.html Pen Pal Program Has Far- Reaching Implications (1994-1999) The program it’s between Shaoguan Zhixin Elementary school and some other elementary schools in Temple City, Victoria City , Waco City, Ednar City, Texas USA. This magazine was sent to George W. Bush July 2000. Mr. Wu met US consul general Norris for George W. Bush’s letter Sino-US go-fourth families communication between Chinese Zhixin Elem. School and Rocky Hill School from Rhode Island.(class to class then, family to family for school to school) Bill Clinton (Sep.18, 2002) encouraged Rocky Hill School families go-fourth trip to Shaoguan China. (Mary’s class) Go For One United Respect Throughout Humanity


恬淡虚无 + 关注

学高为师,身正为范.师者,传道授业解惑也。做一个有理想,有道德,有思想,有文化,有信念的人。 学无止境:活到老,学到老!有缘学习更多关注桃报:奉献教育,点店铺。

