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中国3000万经理人首选培训网站 更多免费资料下载请进: 好好学习社区 信息交流控制程序 Information communication control procedure 1.目的 Purpose 通过在公司内部各层次和职能之间,以及公司与外部相关方之间建立有效的沟通渠道,确保环境信息交流的及时、有效,幷保持环境管理体系的持续有效。To establish effective communication channel between Simona Tanning internal (each level and position), and simona tanning with eternal parties, to make sure the environment information communicate in time, effective, and to keep the environment management system continuing effective . 2.适用范围 scope 适用于公司内外部环境信息的交流。It is apply to the internal and eternal environment communication in Simona tanning. 3.职责Responsibility 3.1 环工组:The environment team a) 内外部环境信息交流的归口管理部门;To be in charge of keep the internal and external environment information ; b) 负责发布、收集和传递内外部环境信息;To be in charge of issuing , collecting and communicating the internal and external environment information; c) 负责内外部环境信息交流的总体协调安排;To be in charge of arranging and organizing the internal and external environment information’s communication; 3.2各相关部门:负责内外部环境信息的接收、传达、处理、回复、宣传。Each department: to be in charge of collecting , communicating , dealing , answering the internal and external environment information. 3.3 环境管理者代表:负责对有关外部信息交流的决策。Environment representative : to be in charge of external information communication’s decision - making. 4.工作程序 Work procedure 4.1信息交流的方式:(不局限于)the way of Information’s communication( not limited as below) a)工作例会或环境管理会议;Work meeting or environment management meeting; b)报告分发;reports’ distribution; c)培训方式;the training way; d)合理化建议;reasonable suggestions; e)客户投诉通报;the customer claim report; f)公告栏或环境公告; public board or environment reports; g)相关政府部门的联系。Contact with some relate governmental department. 4.2内部信息交流Internal information communicate 4.2.1内部信息交流内容可包括:(不局限于)Internal information communication can include: a)环境方针、目标、指针、方案;environment policy, aim , target and scheme; b)适用之法律、法规和其他要求;proper law, codes and other requirements; c)环境因素及重要环境因素;environment factor and important environment factor; d)环境监测和测量结果;envir


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