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利用数轴学英语时态 由于汉语中的时态仅仅是通过应用不同的时间副词来进行改变, 而英语中的时态则是通过动词的变化 来表达的,这就加大了中国学生学习英语时态的难度。通过在教学中引入数轴,可以极大的提高学生对英 语时态的掌握。下面, 我将对在时态教学中数轴的应用进行举例阐述。 一、一般现在时(Simple Present ) 表示重复的动作: X X X * X X X Past Present Future 一般现在时可用来表示一个不断重复或经常发生的动作。这个动作可以是一种习惯、一个爱好,日 常发生的事情, 计划的事情或者时常发生的事情。 同时,它可以用来表达一个人时常遗忘或不做的事情。 例如:I play tennis. She does not play tennis. The train leaves every morning at 8 am. The train does not leave at 9am. She always forgets her purse. He n ever forgets his wallet. Every twelve mon ths, the Earth circles the s un. The sun does not circle the Earth. 表示事实或概括 Past Present Future 一般现在时可用来表明说话人相信一个事实过去是真的、现在是真的,将来还是真的。至于说话人是 否正确并不重要。同时, 它还可用来表示对人或物的概括。 例如:Cats like milk. Birds do_not like milk. California is_in America. California is_not in the United Kingdom. Win dows are made of glass. Win dows are not made of wood. New York is_a small city. (It is not importa nt that this fact is un true.) 表示现在(非延续性动词) Past Present Future 用一般现在时来表达一个动作正在发生或没有正在发生(只能用非延续行动词) 。 例如:I am here now. She is_not here now. He needs help right now. He does not n eed help now. He has a car. 二、现在进行时(Present Continuous ) 构成:[AM / IS / ARE] + [VERB+i ng] 例如:I am watching TV. He is_quickly learning the Ian guage. .现在正在进行 Past Present Future 现在进行时通过使用延续性动词来表达某件事情此时此刻正在发生,也可用来表示否定。 例如: You are lear ning En glish now. You are not swimming now. I am sitti ng. I am not standing. They are reading their books. They are not watching televisio n. What are you doing? Why aren't you doing your homework? .表示某一时间段中, 一件事情的进行过程 Past Present Future Past Present Future 现在进行时可以用来表示一段时间中,一个延续较长时间的动作的进行过程,它并不表示我们在说话 时也正在做这件事。 例如:I am studying to become a doctor. I am not studying to become a den tist. I am reading the book Tom Sawyer . I am not reading any books right now. Are you working on any special projects at work? Aren't you teaching at the Un iversity now? .表示不远的将来将要发生的事情 I X Past Present Future 例如:I am meeting some friends after work. I am not going to the party toni ght. Is he visiting his pare nts n


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