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Saxoncourt Corporate Service Saxoncourt Corporate Service Tel: 021Saxoncourt Fax: 021Add: 22nd floor, No.167, Jiangning road, Shanghai China Website: , Providing corporate English training solutions! 商务英语培训评估表 Training Evaluation Form 为了更好的提高我们的教学品质,为了解您的需求及您的宝贵意见,现需占用您两分钟的时间,请您帮助我们填写“商务英语培训评估表”,以便我们为您提供尽善尽美、物超所值的专业服务。 In order to help improve our teaching quality on the basis of better understanding of our clients’ needs, would you please spend several minutes filling out the following form. Therefore, we will offer you a more valuable professional service. 基本信息Basic information 请填写 Please fill in the following information! 公司 Company name 课程 Course level 讲师 Trainer’s name 姓名 Trainee’s name 日期 Date 根据以下提供的数字描述,请在问卷栏中填上合适的分值。 Please choose the appropriate rating in the following form 5 5 — 优秀 4 — 良好 3 — 一般 2 — 需改进 1 — 不满意 Excellent Good Fair Need improvement Dissatisfaction 关于课程 About the course 分值 rating 1、课程符合目前的英语能力 This course suits your current English level 2、课程内容的设置有针对性 This course is designed with specific purposes 3、对教材或资料的满意程度 Is the level of textbooks or teaching materials satisfactory 4、课程是否达到预期目的 Whether the course achieves the anticipated results 5、课程对个人成长的帮助程度 Help of the course to personal growth 关于讲师 About the trainer 分值 rating 授课准备的充分度 Preparation for the lessons 2、激发学员参与及耐心解答 Class motivation and patience 3、形象与敬业精神 Image and dedication 4、准时上课和时间控制 Punctuality and time control 5、善于回顾与总结 Review and summary 关于环境与自己 About environment and myself 分值 rating 1、培训教室安静、整洁,便于学习 Classroom environment 2、设备和资料准备齐全并能正常运行 Preparation of teaching materials 3、培训服务体系能跟踪和促进学习 Well-motivated by training and service system 4、对自己的学习行为负责,准时参加培训 Attendance and attitude towards studying 5、把学到的内容运用到实际的工作当中 Practical Application of learned knowledge 建议和其他反馈 Advice and other feedbacks 建议 Advice 1、对于课程内容


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