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U 3 [il近代第一所大学 FOUNDED IN 1895 TIANJIN UNIVERSITY 硕士学位论文 M,S.DISSERTAT 管理科学与工程 吴煌 李从东 教授 学科专业 作者姓名 指导教师 天津大学研究生院 2005年6月 Abstract Outsourcing has led the trend of coiporanons' development in the future, and the outsourcing on non-core business is to focus the company's predominance on its promising core business in order to reduce costs, achieve flexibleness. This dissertation is consisted of five parts. The first has studied the history and background of outsourcing on non-core business, also explained correlative theory, its important meaning and the dissertation's frame. The second part has analyzed the basic definition of non-core business outsourcing comprehensively arid systemically, including its connotation, extension, characters, sorts, and the latest development trend, and also has explained the lack of domestic non-core business. And the third part has studied the identification and decision-making method of non-core business outsourcing concretely, which has been considered on the aspect of control strength and cost-income analysis. Especially the dissertation has put the point on the principle-agent mechanism of non-core business outsourcing. The fourth part has explored the establishment of strategic non-core business outsourcing and its process of execution. And the last part has analyzed the non-core business outsourcing influence to the company core competition,organization innovation and strategic innovation. Considering the risk of non-core business outsourcing, this part has brought forward keep-away measure and evadable advice. At last the dissertation has the outsourcing of Seagate personnel compensation as study case in order to deepen the comprehending and learning about the method of non-core business outsourcing. Non-core business outsourcing has become the most efficiently management tool to improve the company organization. What this dissertation has studied are still simple and superficial, there are many deep-seated issues worthy of ad


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