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外语复习资料 UNITE ONE: 1.One the north side of trafalgar square ,famous for its monument to Admiral Nelon ,its fountains and its hords of pigeons, there stands a long low building in classic style.this is the National Gallery,which contains Britains best-konwn collection of pictures. NELON (奈尔)将领 2.On sunny days,students and other young people are often to be seen having a standwich lunch on the portico of the Gallery,overlooking Trafalgar square.Admission to the Gallery is free ,as is the case with other British national galleries and museum,which are maintained by money voted by Parliament. 人们可以在宽阔的草坪上进行日光浴, 3.The National Gallery of British Art ,better known as the Tate Gallery,was given to the nation by a rich sugar merchant. Sir Henry Tate ,who had a taste for the fine arts.It overlooks the Thames.not far from the Houses of Parliament. English artists are nationally well represented here,and the Tate also has a range of modern 外语复习资料 works,including some sculptures by foreign artists. 国立美术馆常常被人称为 TATE 美术馆,这个美术馆由一个富有糖商 献给国家。他很有艺术品位,TATE 美术馆离议会大厦不远,英国艺 术家被充分展现在全国人民面前,其中包括有一些外国艺术家的作品。 4.One may sun oneself on the turf of the spacious lawns ,or srtoll by the lily-pond and then enter the little wood that half surrounds it,Kenwood House is maintained not by the goverment but by the Greater London. 人们可以在宽阔的草坪上进行日光浴。或者沿着莲池漫步散步,走进 半环抱着美术馆的小森林,KENDOODS 美术馆不是由英国政府,而是 由大伦敦市政府维护管理。 UNITE TWO: 1.Over thousands of years, the marks developed into picture-symbols of the animals and other objects that he felt he needed to record and leave for other to see. 在数千年的历史中,这些痕迹演变为图形符号,记录他们所需要,并 且留给他人看的动物。 2.Nearly three hundred years ago,a German philosopher and math ematician imagined that someday t


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