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Exercise 1 Don' try to talk me into buying the stuff. I know (你的嘴巴太能说). This machine is (在每个方面都优于那一台 ). We are aware of the difficulty of (与他打交道).版权文档,请勿用做商业用途 This small library is for (老师专用). (随信寄去 )are my resume and three letters of referenee.版权文档,请勿用做商 业用途 Exercise 2 When he found that his son failed in the exam in ati on, the father (发了脾气 ).版 权文档,请勿用做商业用途 They told the press that a mutual agreement would be forthcoming (在两个月内). 版权文档,请勿用做商业用途 Tomorrow the money will (转到你的帐上).版权文档,请勿用做商业用途 Take an umbrella with you, son, (以防下雨).版权文档,请勿用做商业用途 Her colleagues are very upset, (更不要说她的父母了 ).版权文档,请勿用做 商业用途 Exercise 3 You have to make up your mind (否则就太晚了).版权文档,请勿用做商业用途 (一怒之下),the wife left her husband and went to another city.版权文档,请 勿用做商业用途 The company was found guilty (欺骗消费者).版权文档,请勿用做商业用途 The popular sin ger was ridiculed for (对中国历史知之甚少 ).版权文档,请勿用做 商业用途 The best way to learn English is to (接触这门语言).版权文档,请勿用做商业用 途 Exercise 4 The mother was amused when she found that her son tried to (以他的父亲为榜样 ). 版权文档,请勿用做商业用途 Most of the new immigrants found it hard to (适用新环境).版权文档,请勿用做 商业用途 (天气允许的话),we will go for an outing on weekend.版权文档,请勿用做 商业用途 (不管遇至 M十么困难 ),you should always try to have con fide nee in yourself. 版权文档,请勿用做商业用途 It is vital that (募集到足够的钱)to fund the project.版权文档,请勿用做商业用途 Exercise 5 (两种说法相互矛盾 ),so I did not know what to believe.版权文档,请勿用做商业 用途 The prices of beer (从一美元到十美元不等 ).版权文档,请勿用做商业用途 (我无法克服我的愤怒 )when I hear of people being cruel to animals. 版 权文档,请勿用做商业用途 He is a sort of echo of his boss 'sopinion, and (他没有自己的主张 ).版权文档,请 勿用做商业用途 We should con serve water as (生命必不可少的东西 ).版权文档,请勿用做商业用途 Exercise 6 She filed a lawsuit against the company for (她的身高而不雇她).版权文档,请勿用 做商业用途 After the event, the Prime Minister (遭到解职).版权文档,请勿用做商业用途 Though he runs a big company, he (对他的穿着并不讲究 ).版权文档,请勿用做商业用 途 Urged by the students, the teachers (提前五分钟下课).版权文档,请勿 用做商业用途 You can keep my dictionary (以备参考).版权文档,请勿用做商业用途 Exercise 7 It is advisa


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